Sistem Monitoring Kadar Gula Darah, Kolestrol dan Asam Urat secara Non Invasive menggunakan Sensor GY-MAX 30100

  • Dede Sutarya Universitas Budi Luhur
Keywords: Non Invasive, GY Max 30100 Sensor, Web server


Measurement of blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid levels is currently
using the Invasive method. In the invasive method, 3 different tools are needed to
determine the levels of blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid. This is very ineffective
and inefficient. It is important for the patient to record a history of measuring blood
sugar, cholesterol and uric acid. Currently recording blood sugar results is still using
the writing system on paper. This can cause several problems, including tracing
patient data, not neatly arranged data, and accumulation of stored patient files. From
these problems, a system will be created that can determine blood sugar, cholesterol
and uric acid levels with only one sensor. The method used is Non-Invasive. With
this measurement of blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid levels can be more
effective in its use. And a Web server will be created that can record patient
measurement history as medical records. With this, patient data search will be faster
and easier to access so that it is more efficient. This research will use the GY Max
30100 sensor which consists of a photodiode to capture light from an infrared LED.
The heart rate pulse values will be converted into blood sugar, cholesterol and uric
acid values. The measurement results will be displayed by the LCD and the data will
be sent to the Web server as a patient's medical record. From testing the GY Max
30100 sensor, blood sugar levels get a measurement error value of 2.86%. Testing
the standard deviation of an average of 2.72% and measurement accuracy of 97.13%.
In measuring cholesterol levels, the measurement error value is 2.86%. Testing the
standard deviation of an average of 4.43% and accuracy of measurement 97.13%. In
measuring uric acid levels, the measurement error value was 11%. Testing the
standard deviation of an average of 0.73% and measurement accuracy of 89%.
Anova test on blood sugar had a sig value of 0.755 (p> 0.05), cholesterol 0.492 (p>
0.05), uric acid 0.217 (p> 0.05). By doing this Anova test, there is no difference
because the sig results on blood sugar, cholesterol and uric acid are> 0.05.
