: Jurnal Pengabdian Psikologi2024-11-15T02:22:40+00:00Open Journal Systems Efektifitas Kolaborasi dan Manajemen Konflik Aktivis Gereja Kristen X, Yogyakarta2024-11-15T01:59:32+00:00Nurtaty Sinaganurtaty.sinaga@uph.eduPrincenprincen@yahoo.comSamuel Adiprasetya Isaputrasamuelai@yahoo.comDavid<p><em>This collaboration and conflict management training activity aimed to enhance the capacity of activists from Gereja X, Yogyakarta in collaboration and conflict management. The methods employed in this training included discussions, question-and-answer sessions, and game simulations. The training participants consisted of 31 church activists who were actively engaged in church ministry duties. A follow-up to the training activity was conducted one month after the event, involving both activists who participated in the training and those who did not. The follow-up result indicated that activists who participated in the training demonstrated a higher average level of collaboration compared to those who did not attend the training. Thus, it can be concluded that this training effectively improved church activists capacity for collaboration and conflict management.</em></p>2024-11-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Devotion : Jurnal Pengabdian Psikologi Kompetensi Sosial Emosional: Wawasan dan Keterampilan untuk Remaja2024-11-15T02:05:43+00:00Sandra Sutantosandra.sutanto@uph.eduRhema Oktafianarhema.oktaviana@yahoo.comJoia Putri Shalomjoiaps@yahoo.comClara Shinta Ayu<p>School counselors at Dian Harapan Lippo Village are confronted with students who consistently exhibit anxiety in both academic and non-academic domains. Poorly managed emotions not only affect academic performance but also disrupt social relationships with peers, teachers, and parents. Social emotional competence is crucial for adolescents as they navigate daily life stressors. A deficiency in social emotional competence can lead to emotional instability, resulting in increased stress and anxiety among adolescents. To address this, informational and skill-based interventions were provided through a series of mini seminars. The methodology included briefings on social emotional competency skills, reflective learning, and role-playing exercises to facilitate the application of the material. The seminars were targeted at students in grades 9 and 11, who are preparing for graduation exams and selecting their academic majors. Among the participants, 84 students provided feedback, with evaluations ranging from good to very good regarding the seminar's effectiveness.</p>2024-11-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Devotion : Jurnal Pengabdian Psikologi sebagai Bentuk Psikoedukasi Pencegahan dan Penanganan Kekerasan Seksual Berbasis Sistem Informasi2024-11-15T02:12:10+00:00Aisyah Riono Ardhi Hani Nuringtyas Sri Mumpunibernadethhnsm@yahoo.comJihan Shabrina Feby Ameliajihansfa@yahoo.comBitara Fifi Fayyaza Argebitaraffa@yahoo.comNia Amanda Putriniaap@yahoo.comSyammi Arya Sufi Wijayasyammiasw@yahoo.comMuhammad Naufal Fauzimuhammadnaufalfauzi@yahoo.comRizky Aprilliansyahrizkiaprill@yahoo.comShaka Mutaqin<p><em>Various efforts have been made to prevent and address sexual harassment in higher education environments, yet it still occurs. One approach is through psychoeducation. Therefore, an information system was designed as a form of psychoeducation that can be accessed anytime and anywhere to prevent and address sexual harassment, called This information system includes several features to help survivors and prevent sexual harassment. These features are the psychoeducational module regarding sexual harassment, a “</em>Call Us”<em> feature that enbles survivors to get help quickly from the task force or police, and a counselor feature for psychological assistance. There is also a health reference feature that provides a list of hospitals, including their addresses and telephone numbers, for survivors to check their health after experiencing sexual harassment. This information system also provides mindfulness psychoeducation and training videos to reduce negative emotions experienced by survivors. Based on the results of the usability test of the</em> <em>site </em>(18-20 January, 2024) <em>involving </em>55 <em>participants, </em>58,2% <em>stated that features on the site were usable. However, maintenance and development of this site are needed as media for psychoeducation on the prevention and handling of sexual harassment.</em></p>2024-11-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Devotion : Jurnal Pengabdian Psikologi Pemahaman Hak Dasar Anak bagi Orang Tua di Tangerang: Program Kolaborasi dengan KemenPPPA2024-11-15T02:22:40+00:00helsahelsa.surya@gmail.comFathima Eunike Legitafathimael@yahoo.comGloria Eirene<p><em>Violence and exploitation of children in Indonesia remain serious issues, as indicated by data from the Online Information System for the Protection of Women and Children </em>(Simfoni PPA), <em>which recorded </em>15,120<em> cases of child violence in </em>2023.<em> Based on that, it is very necessary to fulfill children's basic rights, as stated in the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child. This Community Service Program </em>(PkM)<em> is a collaboration between </em>Yayasan Mandiri Kreatif Indonesia (Yamakindo)<em>, the Ministry of Women's Empowerment and Child Protection </em>(KemenPPPA<em>), and the Faculty of Psychology at </em>Pelita Harapan University (UPH)<em>. The program, themed </em>"Healthy Parenting by Upholding Children's Fundamental Rights",<em> aims to educate </em>20<em> parents in the </em>Tangerang<em> area on children's rights and effective parenting strategies. The activities involved lectures, a </em>Q&A<em> session, and puppet interactions, accompanied by pre-test and post-test evaluations. The results indicated an increase in parents' understanding of children's rights. Although the program was well-executed, improvements in time management and the implementation of follow-up programs for continuous monitoring and evaluation are recommended for future initiatives.</em></p>2024-11-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Devotion : Jurnal Pengabdian Psikologi Kesiapan Diri menuju Pernikahan bagi Dewasa Muda di Gereja GKI Gejayan2024-11-15T02:12:41+00:00Christina Claudiachristina.claudia@uph.eduSandra Handayani Sutantosandra.sutanto@uph.eduGiofanny Jessica Kaparanggiofanny.kaparang@uph.eduVanessa<p><em>Young adulthood is a life stage where one develops romantic relationships culminating in marriage and forming one’s own family. However, recent trends suggest that starting and maintaining healthy marriage relationships may be challenging in Indonesia, indicating a low marital readiness amongst young adults. Several factors that impact one’s marital readiness include family life knowledge, coming to terms with family-of-origin issues, emotional intelligence and communication skills. Therefore, training that addresses these factors amongst young adults can help prepare them for a healthy marriage. </em>Komisi Dewasa Muda at GKI Gereja Gejayan<em>, who serves young adults in the Sleman area found this issue in their young adult community. Through this training, the young adults in the Sleman area may be equipped to enter marriage well and to develop, as well as maintain a healthy marriage relationship moving forward. The evaluation of the training also indicates that the materials provided were relevant to adult marriage preparation, had a positive impact, and were delivered using an engaging approach.</em></p>2024-11-15T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Devotion : Jurnal Pengabdian Psikologi