Devotion : Jurnal Pengabdian Psikologi Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Pancasila en-US Devotion : Jurnal Pengabdian Psikologi 2830-5698 Pelatihan Reflective Thinking untuk Meningkatkan Kesadaran Orientasi Masa Depan Siswa SMAN 11 Pangkaje’ne Sulawesi Selatan <p><em>Adolescents are the next generation of the nation who will contribute greatly to the development of </em>Indonesia’s <em>human resources. The adolescent phase is an important stage to start forming a clear self-identity including in terms of future planning. However, adolescents often experience confusion regarding their future orientation, making it difficult to set goals and strategies to achieve the future. Although most of them have aspirations, it is less based on the ability to recognize themselves related to their strengths and weaknesses. According to the literature review, the reflective thinking method applied through reflection of experience is an important learning model. With this method, individuals can better recognize their potential based on the meaning of their past experiences. This training was conducted for two days on </em>24 - 25 May 2023 <em>&nbsp;at </em>SMA Negeri 11 Pangkaje'ne<em>, with a total of </em>31<em> participants who were students of class </em>XI<em>. The results of this training show that the ability to think reflectively in interpreting experiences will help adolescents recognize their strengths and weaknesses, as well as their interests and talents. This can be a reference for them in setting future goals. A clear future direction can lead adolescents to set specific steps and strategies to achieve their goals. This will increase the chances for adolescents to get a decent job and have a career that suits their potential in the future.</em></p> Umniyah Saleh Rizky Amalia Jamil Yassir Arafat Usman Triani Arfah Copyright (c) 2024 Devotion : Jurnal Pengabdian Psikologi 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 3 01 1 9 Pelatihan Pencegahan Kekerasan Seksual pada Anak bagi Pengajar Pusat Pengembangan Anak Kabupaten Rote <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Data on sexual violence againts children in </em>NTT <em>Province continues to increase yearly. Most cases of sexual violence against children occur at home</em><em> and are commited by those closest to the child, often leaving the child feeling powerless to report the abuse. As a result, the sexual violence can persist for a long time. The challenges in uncovering the sexual violence experienced by children make it essential for adults around them to proactively engage in preventing such cases and to equip themselves with the skills to assist children who experience sexual violence. This community service aims to </em>(1)<em> increase knowledge regarding sexual violence for teachers at child development centers on Rote Island and </em>(2)<em> Provide skills in assisting children who are victims of sexual violence to teachers at child development centers on Rote Island. This community service activity was attended by </em>15 <em>child development center teachers, </em>3<em> men and </em>12 <em>women. The analysis showed an average increase in pre-test and post-test scores of </em>17.6<em> points. The mentoring skills of the participants also improved. This service activity produced several outcomes, such as leaflets on the issue of sexual violence, journal articles, online media publications, and videos of community service activities.</em></p> Juliana Marlin Y Benu Rizky Pradita Manafe Dian Lestari Anakaka Copyright (c) 2024 Devotion : Jurnal Pengabdian Psikologi 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 3 01 10 15 Kesadaran tentang Kesehatan Mental untuk Siswa dan Orang Tua Siswa di SMP X <p><em>Many factors contribute to adolescents’ mental health, from changes within themselves to the outside world, which make adolescents vulnerable to mental health problems. In recent years, mental health issues have also begun to become a concern for educational institutions, including </em>X <em>Junior High School. In the last two years, several students have mental problems that interfere with their daily and academic functioning. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out some kind of follow-up action to prevent the development of mental health problems among students. Psychoeducational activities with the aim of increasing knowledge and awareness regarding maintaining mental health are carried out and provided to students and parents of grades </em>VII<em> and </em>VIII<em> face-to-face (offline</em>) <em>in the school. The results of this psychoeducation activity are that both students and parents have begun to demonstrate mental health literacy, although it is not yet comprehensive. Students know practical ways to deal with unpleasant situations, so it would be good if there was more specific training regarding self-management skills. At the end of the session the parents came to the conclusion that what is needed is not only understanding children who are in their teenage years but also considering what forms of interaction and assistance are suitable and acceptable for children. In the future, similar activities are also needed for schools to create a supportive environment for adolescents.</em></p> Anindya Dewi Paramita Andi Tenri Faradiba Copyright (c) 2024 Devotion : Jurnal Pengabdian Psikologi 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 3 01 16 25 Meningkatkan Literasi Kesehatan Mental sebagai Upaya Deteksi Dini Gangguan Psikologis di Desa Setia Mekar, Bekasi <p><em>Based on geographic location, the </em><em>village of </em>Setia Mekar<em> borders </em>Bekasi<em> City, which means that access to new information is easy to obtain. In fact, based on the result of the assessment carried out, there are still limitations to literacy within the community, especially in literacy that related to mental health. Therefore, the aim of this activity is to increase mental health literacy in the community of </em>Setia Mekar<em> Village. </em><em>Individuals with good mental health literacy, can carry out early detection of psychological disorde</em><em>rs. The method </em><em>that used to increase mental health literacy is by providing psychoeducation in </em><em>the village of </em>Setia Mekar<em>. Before the intervention is given, an assessment is first conducted to determine the appropriate psychoeducation method. The results obtained through this psychoeducation activity show that residents become more aware about psychological disorders, the characteristics or symptoms, casual factors, and treatment of psychological disorders themselves.</em></p> Sarita Candra Merida Faizal Ramadhani Maria Delciello Muhammad Nur Zikri Naufal Labib Athallah Nur Setawati Oskanita Salsabila Putri Zaliha Sinta Meliani Wahyu Ariantono Copyright (c) 2024 Devotion : Jurnal Pengabdian Psikologi 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 3 01 26 33 Program Edukasi Ketahanan Pangan dan Mengurangi Sampah pada Siswa SDN 01 Sawah Baru <p><em>This community service program is carried out for students at Elementary School </em>01 Sawah Baru<em> who do not yet know about a sustainable environment. This program is carried out with the aim of shaping pro-environmental behavior, including understanding food security and reducing waste. Psychoeducation was carried out from August </em>2023 <em>to March </em>2024 <em>using lecture and action learning methods. To determine the level of students' understanding, a pre-test and post-test were carried out. The results of statistical calculations show that there are differences in students' knowledge and understanding after participating in psychoeducation. The psychoeducation carried out is effective, which is shown by changes in the understanding and behavior of students at </em>SDN 01 Sawah Baru<em>.</em></p> Clara Moningka Maria Jane Tienovani Simanjuntak Copyright (c) 2024 Devotion : Jurnal Pengabdian Psikologi 2024-05-31 2024-05-31 3 01 34 44