Devotion : Jurnal Pengabdian Psikologi Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Pancasila en-US Devotion : Jurnal Pengabdian Psikologi 2830-5698 Pelatihan Kelas Expressive Writing untuk Santriwati Ma’had Tahfidz Al-Qur’an Darul Falah di Selangor Malaysia <p><em>The ability to manage emotions is essential for students. This service activity aims to provide psychoeducation to </em>Ma'had Tahfidz Al-Qur'an Darul Falah Selangor Malaysia <em>female students by organizing Expressive writing classes. Three stages are carried out: preparation, implementation, and evaluation. The service program chosen for this service is the</em><em> expressive writing class. The</em><em> interview service results show that </em><em>expressive writing can make </em>Ma'had Tahfidz Al-Qur'an Darul Falah <em>female students love themselves more, be happier, and increase learning motivation. This service program can continue to be carried out for students in other Islamic boarding schools.</em></p> Sorfina Rohim Sefverly Aditya Noorinda Erna Wijayanti Copyright (c) 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 02 42 50 Meditasi Mindfulness Guna Meningkatkan Mindfulness Siswa SMA Sebagai Cara Menjaga Kesehatan Mental <p>Difficulties and challenges in the lives of teenagers who are in the transition period to adulthood, if they are not equipped with good adaptability, will cause problems with teenagers' mental health. One of the factors that influences teenagers' mental health is a feeling of gratitude. Regarding this gratitude factor, an approach that can be used to increase feelings of gratitude in teenagers is a mindfulness approach. Mindfulness is considered suitable for high school students because mindfulness is something that is applied in everyday life. In this research, what we want to prove is the role of mindfulness meditation in increasing high school students' mindfulness. The research subjects consisted of 92 Atisa Dipamkara High School students in grades 10 and 11. The method used was a quantitative research method that used SPSS for the data processing program. The design used is quasi-experimental research, a one-group pre-test post-test design. The measuring instrument used is the Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS), which has been adapted into Indonesian. The research results showed that there was a significant difference between before and after the mindfulness meditation training was given. Thus, the mindfulness meditation provided has been proven to significantly increase mindfulness in high school students.</p> Teguh Lesmana Copyright (c) 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 02 51 60 Pelatihan Internalisasi Penguatan Peran Perempuan (Istri Pejabat) dalam Pembangunan Budaya Integritas <p><em>Corruption is a phenomenon that still occurs in Indonesia. This condition encourages concrete steps to be taken so that acts of corruption can be prevented, one of which is by involving the role of officials' wives in the government environment. It is considered important for wives to be involved in preventing and eradicating corruption because basically</em>,<em> wives have a big influence on the decisions taken by their husbands, who in this case are in office. Therefore it was held</em> <em>"</em><em>Training of </em><em>Internalization Strengthening The Role </em><em>of Women </em>(<em>Wives</em><em> of Government Officials</em>) <em>on Developing </em><em>a Culture </em><em>of Integrity". The training aims to internalize</em><em> the nine core values of integrity, </em><em>which are </em>Jujur (<em>honesty</em>), Mandiri (<em>independence</em>), Tanggung jawab (<em>responsibility</em>), Berani (<em>courage</em>), Sederhana (<em>simplicity</em>), Peduli (<em>care</em>), Disiplin (<em>discipline</em>), Adil (<em>fairness</em>), <em>and</em> Kerja Keras (<em>hard work</em>), <em>it’s called “</em>Jumat Bersepeda KK<em>”. The Integrity Training was delivered using experiential learning method</em><em>s that were known to enhance the learning process through </em><em>concrete experiences designed for individual or group activities. Through the execution of this training, it can be concluded that the aim of the training was achieved, as evidenced by the participants' ability to draw insights and their enthusiasm in asking questions during the training sessions. Further development of this program is by implementing pre-test and post-test measurements to assess the effectiveness of the training.</em></p> Aully Grashinta Farida Aini Ni Made Rai Kistyanti Fasya Azzahra P.H. Copyright (c) 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 02 61 68 Pelatihan Kader Peer Counselor untuk Meningkatkan Kebermaknaan Hidup pada Tahanan Remaja Melalui Adaptasi Seni Hikayat Aceh <p><em>This article discusses the </em>PERKUSI (Pengenalan, Pelatihan, dan Pembinaan Kader <em>Peer Counselor</em>, Ekstrakurikuler Seni Hikayat Aceh, dan Pembekalan Sistem Kepengurusan dalam Organisasi) <em>&nbsp;program </em><em>or Introduction, Training, and Coaching of Peer Counselor Cadres, Aceh Hikayat Extracurricular, and Organizational Management System Provision</em><em>, aimed at improving the meaning of life of </em><em>teenage prisoners at </em>LPKA (Lembaga Pembinaan Khusus Anak / <em>children’s prison</em>) <em>Grade</em> II Banda Aceh<em>. The program involves introducing, training, and coaching peer counselor cadres and Aceh</em><em>nese </em><em>hikayat extracurricular activities, as well as providing organizational management skills.</em><em> The program involves </em>49 <em>teenage prisoners, but only </em>31<em> of them filled out pre</em><em>-test</em> <em>and</em> <em>post</em><em>-test</em> <em>questionnaires on the meaning of life. The results showed a </em>93%<em> increase in the meaning of life of </em><em>teenage prisoners. The program also successfully improved the knowledge and skills of </em><em>teenage prisoners regarding peer counseling and Aceh</em><em>nese H</em><em>hkayat art. The program also successfully formed </em>10<em> peer counselor cadres selected based on discussions with partners, knowledge</em><em>s and skills from pre</em><em>-test</em> <em>and</em> <em>post</em><em>-test</em> <em>results, observations during activities, and a detention period of more than </em><em>four months since the peer counselor organization was established. Therefore, the </em>PERKUSI<em> program can be an alternative solution to the problem of meaning of life </em><em>on teenage prisoners at </em>LPKA Kelas II Banda Aceh<em>.</em></p> Nadia Salsabila Angelicca Erza Putri Putri Diah Shanata Hendry Syafrian Faruq Miqdad Mudaffar Copyright (c) 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 02 69 81 Pelatihan Keterampilan Psikologis untuk Pelatih KONI DIY <p>The activity of psychological skills training aims to equip the coaches of KONI DIY with psychological skills, enabling them to fulfill their roles as coaches for athletes. The training participants are 25 KONI DIY coaches, and the training was conducted over one day on July 29, 2023. Data were analyzed through pre-tests and post-tests, with the results indicating an improvement in understanding from a pre-test score of 9.840 to a post-test score of 10.320. However, statistical analysis revealed no significant difference between the two tests, with a Sig. value of 0.179 &gt; 0.05. In contrast, the results of the participants' reaction evaluations showed a positive emotional impact, with average scores ranging from 3.68 to 4.36 in various aspects. These findings emphasize the importance of the training material. To achieve better training outcomes, efforts are needed to make the material more engaging, allocate more time, and provide more in-depth content. In conclusion, this psychological training activity has the potential to enhance communication between coaches and athletes, despite no significant changes in knowledge.</p> Kumala Widya Rochmani Malida Fatimah Ros Patriani Dewi Copyright (c) 2023-11-30 2023-11-30 2 02 82 90