Prescribing profile of inpatients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in healthy home for Jakarta regional public hospital Cengkareng 2023

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Sondang Khairani
Susi Sulastri


Hyperglycaemia is a medical condition characterised by elevated glucose levels, which may be a feature of several diseases, particularly diabetes. It is also a feature of several other conditions. Diabetes mellitus (DM) represents a significant global health concern. The objective of this study was to ascertain the prescribing patterns and the appropriateness of the use of diabetic drugs in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus at Rumah Sehat Untuk Jakarta Cengkareng Hospital. This research employs a cross-sectional, retrospective data collection method, utilising medical records from January to April 2023. A total of 105 patients met the inclusion criteria and were included in the study. The majority of patients were female 56 (53.3%) and within the 56-65 age 38 (36.2%). The majority of prescriptions were for parenteral drugs, including fast-acting insulin medications such as Insulin Aspart, which were prescribed to 18 (17%) patients. The prescription of antidiabetic drugs in accordance with the PERKENI 75 standard was deemed appropriate in 75% of cases. The appropriate prescription of medication will result in a reduction of patient glucose levels and an improvement in quality of life

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