: International Journal of Economic2025-03-04T05:16:14+00:00Mira Journal Systems<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>I N Q U I S I T I V E </strong>is an international journal published by the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pancasila University which is published twice a year, on June and December. We are inviting original contributions that present modeling, empirical, review, and conceptual works. INQUISITIVE publishes quality research journals in the field of Economics. The scope of journal is all manuscripts in the various topics include, but not limited to, functional areas of marketing management, finance management, strategic management, operation management, human resource management, e-business, knowledge management, accounting, auditing, management accounting, management control systems, management information systems, international business, business economics, business ethics and sustainability, entrepreneurship, Islamic finance and Islamic economics. The online version of this articles are freely accessible to make it easy to share knowledge. Articles published in INQUISITIVE is read by academics, researchers, students, consultants, and practitioners in the fields of economics. All manuscripts should be submitted electronically through an open journal system which is very easy to access and easy to update. INQUISITIVE has been also indexed / registered in DOAJ.</p> Classification and Economic Inequality in Cilacap Regency<p>The economic growth of Cilcap Regency as seen from the total GDP in the 2015-2022 period shows fluctuations, so an analysis is needed that aims to find out the 17 sectors that contribute the most in the formation of total GDP and equitable distribution of regional development to reduce regional economic inequality. Therefore, this study aims to classify 17 sectors into 4 clusters, namely superior, potential, developing and underdeveloped and income inequality in Cilacap Regency. The research method used 2 analyses, namely, Location Quotient (LQ) analysis and Williamson Index (IW) analysis. The data source comes from the Central Statistics Agency of Cilacap Regency and Central Java Province, vulnerable in the 2015-2022 period. The results of the study show that the sector classification is the leading category: development and excavation, potential: processing industry, developing: 15 other sectors and lagging: no sectors are categorized as underdeveloped. The level of economic inequality in the Cilacap Regency area in 2015-2022 has decreased from 0.31 to 0.17, this indicates that the economic development of Cilacap Regency is getting closer to evenness, this is because the IW value < 0 which is close to the value of 0. Although there is still a regional economic deficit, it is still categorized as low because the IW value < 0.3.</p>2024-12-13T01:50:54+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 INQUISITIVE : International Journal of Economic Strategic Financial Management Approach For Revitalizing Rural Banks: A Literature Review With Prism Approach2025-03-04T05:16:14+00:00Aria Lutfi<p>This study aims to systematically analyze financial management strategies that can improve the performance and sustainability of Rural Banks (BPRs) in Indonesia. With a focus on liquidity management, capital optimization, economic-social-environmental risk management, and technology integration, this review identifies financial practices that are effective in facing challenges in the rural banking sector. A literature review was conducted using the PRISMA method, resulting in 11 relevant articles. Results show that technology adoption and strategic collaboration can strengthen the competitiveness of BPRs, especially in financial inclusion in the regions. In addition, improved governance and economic-social-environmental risk management play an important role in the sustainability of BPRs.</p>2024-12-13T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 INQUISITIVE : International Journal of Economic Empirical Study on Natural Disaster Risk and Its Impact on Rural Bank Stability and Third-Party Funds in Indonesia2024-12-27T15:19:17+00:00Chaerani<p>This study aims to analyze the impact of disaster risk on the stability and the ability of rural Indonesia to mobilize third-party funds. The data used in this research comprises information from 1,502 rural banks across 283 cities or regencies in 37 provinces. Observations of these rural banks were conducted over five years, from 2019 to 2023, yielding an unbalanced panel data with 7,226 observations. The methodology employed in this study is panel data analysis using a fixed effect model. The results indicate that disaster risk has a negative and significant effect on the stability of rural banks. In contrast, the ability of rural banks to mobilize third-party funds is not affected by disaster risk. A more in-depth analysis reveals that differences in rural banks' characteristics also influence the impact of disaster risk. Rural banks located on Java Island and those not owned by the government are more significantly impacted in terms of financial stability. Meanwhile, government-owned rural banks are more affected by their ability to mobilize third-party funds. These findings suggest that rural banks located on Java Island and those not government-owned should implement better risk mitigation measures, such as collaborating with larger financial institutions for asset management, to reduce the negative impact of disaster risk on economic stability.</p>2024-12-16T08:47:59+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 INQUISITIVE : International Journal of Economic Factors Of Economic Development In East Java: Government Expenditure, Per Capita Income, And Infrastructure Investment2024-12-27T15:19:31+00:00Hening Anitasariheninganita@gmail.comKhalid Fauzi Budi<p>This study aims to elucidate the impact of government spending, per capita income, and infrastructure investment on economic development in East Java Province. The research employs a descriptive quantitative approach, utilizing secondary data in the form of cross-sectional data obtained from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS) website. The sample encompasses all districts in East Java. Data analysis is conducted using multiple linear regression methods for testing purposes. The individual findings indicate that government spending does not significantly affect economic development; per capita income has a positive and significant influence on economic development; and infrastructure investment is statistically insignificant. The implications of these three points suggest that the government should adopt a more strategic and efficient approach to national financial management</p>2024-12-27T14:18:22+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 INQUISITIVE : International Journal of Economic of Financial Performance on The Stock Price of State-Owned Enterprises Listed on The Indonesia Stock Exchange 2015-20222024-12-27T15:19:48+00:00Gunawan Baharuddin<p style="font-weight: 400;">The assessment of a company's financial performance involves ratio analysis, including profitability, leverage, and activity, which provides a deep understanding of the entity's financial performance and its impact on efficiency and investment feasibility, including its influence on stock prices. This research focuses on the assessment of financial performance on stock prices of state-owned construction companies (ADHI, WIKA, PTPP, WSKT) during the period 2015-2022. The purposive sampling method was used for sample selection with data in the form of published secondary data. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted to evaluate the relationship between variables. The results show that profitability (ROE) does not have a significant effect on stock prices, while leverage (DER) and activity (TATO) have a significant effect on stock prices. With a determinant value (R2) of 92.3%, it means that these variables contribute significantly to the stock price, while the remaining 7.7% is explained by other factors not used in this study.</p>2024-12-27T15:16:53+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 INQUISITIVE : International Journal of Economic