Pemanfaatkan E- Commerce Dalam Meningkatkan Pemasaran UMKM Tanaman Hias Bougenvile Nursery
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Kuliah Kerja Nyata merupakan suatu wujud pengabdian mahasiswa terhadap masyarakat secara langsung. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam konteks KKN di Kecamatan Tamansari, Kabupaten Bogor, dengan fokus pada observasi terhadap Unit Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) Bougenvile Nursery yang bergerak dalam pembudidayaan tanaman hias. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membantu UMKM tersebut memperluas pemasaran tanaman hias melalui platform e-commerce. Metode penelitian melibatkan observasi lapangan, wawancara dengan pengelola UMKM, dan implementasi program kerja, termasuk pembukaan akun Shopee, pemotretan produk, dan edukasi mengenai manajemen toko online. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa langkah- langkah tersebut berhasil meningkatkan visibilitas dan aksesibilitas UMKM di ranah digital. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan kontribusi pada pengembangan UMKM lokal dan memberikan wawasan tentang strategi pemasaran online bagi UMKM sejenis di masa depan.
Kata kunci: Desa Tamansari, KKN, UMKM, E-Commerce.
Kuliah Kerja Nyata is a form of student service to the community directly. This study, conducted during the Community Service Program (KKN) in the Tamansari District of Bogor Regency, focuses on the observation of Bougenvile Nursery, a Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprise (MSME) specializing in the cultivation of ornamental plants. The primary objective was to aid the MSME in expanding its market reach through e-commerce platforms. The research employed methods such as on-site observations, interviews with MSME management, and the execution of a work program. This program included the initiation of a Shopee account, product photography sessions, and educational initiatives on effective online store management. The outcomes of the study demonstrated a successful enhancement of the MSME's visibility and accessibility in the digital landscape. The implications of this research extend to the advancement of local MSMEs, offering valuable insights into potential online marketing strategies for similar enterprises in the future.
Keywords: Tamansari Village, KKN , MSME, E-Commerce.
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