Jurnal Pancasila Ketidakselarasan Nilai Sila Kedua dengan Peristiwa Kekerasan Seksual Perempuan Disabilitas Korban Pemerkosaan di Sumbawa

  • Fathonah Oktimalasari Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Suryo Ediyono Fakultas Ilmu Budaya, Universitas Sebelas Maret
DOI: https://doi.org/10.35814/abdi.v3i2.5207
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Keywords: Kekerasan Seksual, Sila Kedua, Pancasila


Indonesia is a country that adheres to Pancasila, in this case relating to sexual violence is the second principle which reads, "Social Justice for All Indonesian People". Therefore, any action that is undignified and violates human rights is included in the crime, and sexual violence is no exception. Sexual violence is a form of human rights violation. The problem of crime is not that sexual violence is a criminal form of human rights violation. The problem of crime is not a simple one, especially in a developing society like Indonesia. With such development, the value system will inevitably change, changes in positive values will lead to social harmony and welfare, and changes in negative values will lead to the collapse of existing cultural values. This is a simple question, especially in a society undergoing development like Indonesia. With this development, it is certain that there will be changes in the value system, where positive changes in the value system will lead to a harmonious and prosperous society, while negative changes in the value system will lead to the collapse of existing cultural values.

How to Cite
Fathonah Oktimalasari, & Ediyono, S. (2023). Jurnal Pancasila Ketidakselarasan Nilai Sila Kedua dengan Peristiwa Kekerasan Seksual Perempuan Disabilitas Korban Pemerkosaan di Sumbawa. Abdi Implementasi Pancasila: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 3(2), 49-54. https://doi.org/10.35814/abdi.v3i2.5207