Peningkatan Pengetahuan Siswa MAN 2 Jepara Tentang Desa Wisata Tempur

  • Dino Rimantho Teknik Industri, Universitas Pancasila
  • Vector Anggit Pratomo Teknik Elektro, Universitas Pancasila
  • Agri Suwandi Teknik Mesin, Universitas Pancasila
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Keywords: Tourism, knowledge, Combat Village, Counseling


Community involvement in the management of Tempur Village tourism can be seen, one way, through the formation of community groups which aim to protect the environment around the Tempur Village tourist area. This is because the local community is the host who understands the Tempur Village tourist location so they need to be involved, plus the perception of Tempur Village tourism management is not yet fully known. Therefore, the aim of this community service is to increase knowledge of the Tempur Tourism Village. A total of 30 people received counseling about the Tempur Tourism Village from students of Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) 2 Jepara as part of community service activities. Before and after the counseling, questionnaires were handed over to the counseling participants. Based on the results of service activities, it can be seen that around 21% of respondents gave correct answers to the initial questionnaire, and as many as 71% gave correct answers to the post-questionnaire. Thus, these figures show that when counseling was carried out, there was an increase in MAN 2 Jepara students' knowledge about the Tempur Tourism Village. Stakeholders such as the School, Tempur Village Tourism Manager, Tempur Village Government have been advised by the community service team to provide opportunities for MAN 2 Jepara students to carry out research activities related to the Tourism Village and activities related to tourism management in Tempur Village.


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How to Cite
Rimantho, D., Anggit Pratomo, V., & Suwandi, A. (2023). Peningkatan Pengetahuan Siswa MAN 2 Jepara Tentang Desa Wisata Tempur. Abdi Implementasi Pancasila: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat, 3(2), 37-42.