Pelatihan Pembuatan Storytelling sebagai Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Produk Usaha Mikro dan Desa Wisata Komunitas Teras Ciapus di Kecamatan Tamasari, Kabupaten Bogor
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Community service activities bring higher education institutions closer and closer together with the wider community by providing useful value to layers, categories, groups of society, including those who are members of the community. The Faculty of Communication Sciences, Pancasila University (FIKOM UP) collaborates with the Teras Ciapus community as a partner beneficiary of a community service program that focuses on empowering the potential of rural micro-enterprises based on agriculture and Sundanese culture. The existence of the Teras Ciapus community for more than three years has emphasized its role as a forum for micro entrepreneurs in Tamansari District, Bogor Regency to learn, practice developing and promoting their business products. Therefore, the community service program held in the odd semester of the 2023/2024 academic year was carried with the theme "Training in Storytelling as a Marketing Communication Strategy for Micro Enterprise Products and the Teras Ciapus Community Tourism Village in Tamasari District, Bogor Regency" in order to maintain the relevance of scientific knowledge and academic expertise. FIKOM UP civitas with the aim of community partners. Training in creating storytelling is considered appropriate for introducing, teaching and training to micro-entrepreneurs who are members of the community as knowledge capital to develop skills in creating product promotional content using an approach that is in line with changes in communication traditions, including those that apply in the field of product and service marketing.
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