International Journal of Environmental Communication (ENVICOMM) 2025-03-05T02:58:10+00:00 Nurul Hidayat Open Journal Systems <p><strong>International Journal of Environmental Communication (ENVICOMM)</strong> is a scientific journal published by the Faculty of Communication Sciences of Pancasila University, Jakarta. ENVICOMM has been published since 2023, twice a year, in June and December. ENVICOMM contains research articles and knowledge-based literature reviews in the fields of communication, socio-politics, and education. The journal provides a venue for researchers to discuss, pursue and promote knowledge in new and emerging areas in communication and education studies. Manuscripts received will be reviewed and selected by the Editorial Board according to their areas of expertise.</p> Copywriting Structure Based on Direct Persuasive in Instagram Posts of Hari Peduli Sampah Nasional 2024 Komunitas Ciliwung Depok 2025-03-05T02:57:10+00:00 Dian Nurdiansyah Shafa Kamiliya Melody Febriyanti <p>In the digital age, copywriting strategies also need to adapt to the popular trends and language among the target audience. Audiences on Instagram, especially the younger generation, are more interested in casual, interactive, and personalized language styles. Copywriting as a persuasive technique and communication strategy has become one of the most effective tools in the digital age, especially on platforms like Instagram. The copywriting structure consists of a headline, tagline (subheadline), body copy, and call to action (CTA), all of which will be integrated into one unit and encourage the audience to understand the message conveyed. The use and clarity of the copywriting structure on “Komunitas Ciliwung Depok” as an environmental care community in addition to having a direct existence, they also form a virtual-based community with an Instagram account. The content of the National Waste Care Day 2024 is the object of research that discusses the structure of copywriting; this is based on the consideration that the existence of waste is often a major problem for humans due to acts of indifference to the environment and ecosystems, especially river ecosystems which play a vital role for human life in fact. In this study, researchers used a qualitative approach with virtual observation techniques and documentation to collect data while in the field and peer debriefing to validate field findings (data). This ensured that the research results could be measured and were highly independent, not related to or affected by conditions that make this research biased.&nbsp;</p> 2024-12-30T16:37:28+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Environmental Communication (ENVICOMM) Environmental Activism Through Instagram (A Study of the Global Climate Strike Campaign by Greenpeace Indonesia) 2025-03-05T02:57:30+00:00 Hilman Haikhal Zainubi Suluh Gembyeng Ciptadi <p>Instagram is one of the social media products used by non-governmental organizations, Greenpeace Indonesia, in conducting the Global Climate Strike campaign. This study investigates the digital activism strategies employed by Greenpeace Indonesia in executing the Global Climate Strike campaign on Instagram. Adopting a descriptive qualitative research approach within a constructivist paradigm, the study gathered data through interviews and documentation. The research is guided by the concept of digital media and environmental activism, focusing on the dimensions of alert, amplify, and engage. Three interviewees contributed insights into Greenpeace Indonesia's communication practices, while documentations were used to support and validate the findings. The study's results indicate that Greenpeace Indonesia applied the three stages—alert, amplify, and engage—in their campaign. The alert stage served as an initial step to disseminate information, the amplify stage involved strategies to effectively communicate campaign messages to the public, and the engage stage facilitated the accommodation of public aspirations through social media interaction.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Environmental Communication (ENVICOMM) The Effectiveness of Instagram Account @environment in Fulfilling Climate Change Information Needs in Indonesia 2025-03-05T02:57:53+00:00 Diva Inggar Sabilillah Sayyidah Afifah <p>Every individual requires information daily, which is essential for decision-making and managing daily activities. Climate change has become a widely discussed topic due to its detrimental effects on the Earth, including deforestation, air pollution, water pollution, and global warming. Human activities, such as the use of fossil fuels and deforestation, play a significant role in accelerating climate change. Studies indicate that people in Indonesia are increasingly aware of climate change, though their understanding remains limited. Social media platforms, particularly Instagram, have emerged as vital tools for disseminating information about climate change. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of content from the Instagram account @environment in fulfilling the information needs of its followers in Indonesia regarding climate change. Grounded in concepts of communication effectiveness and climate change, the study adopts a descriptive quantitative approach within a positivist paradigm. The sample comprises 400 respondents who follow the @environment Instagram account in Indonesia. Data was gathered using a Google Form and analyzed using SPSS. The results of the descriptive statistical analysis indicate that the content shared by the Instagram account @environment is effective. Respondents find the content useful, reliable, and engaging. A simple linear regression analysis reveals that the effectiveness of social media content significantly influences the fulfillment of followers' information needs.</p> 2025-02-04T06:45:06+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Environmental Communication (ENVICOMM) Crisis Communication in Journalism in Digital Daily Media: Renewable Energy Issues in Coverage Ahead of Indonesia's 2024 Elections 2025-03-05T02:58:10+00:00 Erliyana Ine Puspitasari Nurdin Kosasih Anna Agustina <p>Environmental issues that are already on the discussion of rising sea levels and centimeters of land sinking per year, show the many things that must be done by all stakeholders to reduce the environmental problems that result from these issues. The importance of collective action by all stakeholders to reduce the negative impacts that arise. One issue that has high relevance in contributing solutions is the growing use of renewable energy. Renewable energy can be obtained from a variety of natural resources such as sun, water, wind, and geothermal that we can feel the existence of everyday in Indonesia. This context sparked the study of renewable energy issues in the coverage ahead of the 2024 Election, to identify whether the media in Indonesia has a media agenda to carry out crisis communication on the issue of renewable energy when the events of the presidential candidate debate on environmental issues are conveyed to the Indonesian people? The concept of Agenda setting became a reference in analyzing the news that appeared in several digital daily national media in Indonesia on the date of the debate related to renewable energy issues as one of the solutions to climate change, especially in Indonesia. A content analysis was conducted on the text that appeared in the news in Indonesian digital media on the date when the presidential debate related to environmental topics was held, the day before and the day after. The results showed that the media framed these issues with various approaches, ranging from negative, neutral, to positive framing. By highlighting environmental issues in the news surrounding the vice president debate, the media showed concern over the lack of substantial discussion from the candidates on these strategic issues.</p> 2025-02-04T06:57:56+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 International Journal of Environmental Communication (ENVICOMM) Environmental Communication and Climate Change: A Critical Analysis 2025-03-05T02:55:53+00:00 Hamidah Azzahra S Lubis <p>Climate change is a global challenge that requires effective environmental communication strategies to raise public awareness, drive community engagement, and influence policy. Environmental communication is a critical tool in addressing climate change, with its effectiveness dependent on strategic media framing, inclusive public engagement, and persuasive policy communication. Case studies such as the Indonesian Mangrove Restoration Program and the Fridays for Future movement highlight the transformative potential of culturally sensitive and digitally integrated strategies. This study analyzes the role of environmental communication in addressing climate change. Using a systematic literature review approach to analyze current research on environmental communication and climate change, the study focused on publications between 2015 and 2023 to ensure relevance. Keywords such as “environmental communication,” “climate change,” “public engagement,” and “media strategy” guided the search. Findings from the study showed that A total of 50 articles were selected based on their focus on communication strategies and climate action. The data were analyzed thematically, categorizing findings into key themes such as media framing, public engagement, and policy communication</p> 2025-03-05T02:55:50+00:00 Copyright (c)