• Rehulina Apriyanti Universitas Gunadarma
  • Rully Firman Universitas Gunadarma
  • Purwanto Joko Slameto Universitas Gunadarma
  • Sulardi Universitas Gunadarma
Keywords: architecture, assessment, building rehabilitation, building revitalization, junior high school


The school building as a state building is a building that has a function as a socio-cultural building. The school building is a building that has an important value in educational activities in Indonesia. Along with the activities that occurred in the school building, the condition of the school was damaged due to lack of maintenance both carried out by the school and by the local government. If left unchecked, the damage to the school building will increase, so activities are needed to identify the level of damage that occurs. So that it can be proposed improvements to be made to each identified school building. This research begins with mapping to get an overview of the school's location to facilitate the identification of damage, then field observations are made on the school building to see the damage that occurs in each room. For the condition of the building structure, tests were carried out in the form of a hammer test and sondir so that it could be decided to repair the school building in the form of rehabilitation or revitalization. And the results obtained that school buildings that have never carried out routine maintenance will cause school buildings to be damaged in the moderately damaged and heavily damaged categories. So, it is necessary to conduct a periodical damage assessment of the school so that the damage that occurs to the school building can be reduced by carrying out regular maintenance.


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