• Lina Marliyanti
  • Ramadhani Isna Universitas Pancasila
Keywords: Market, Traditional Market, Regional Arrangement, Sepatan, Modern Architecture


Traditional markets have an important role in meeting the daily basic needs of the community. Traditional markets are also a place where people can interact socially with each other. Pasar Pelangi is traditional market located in Kecamatan Sepatan, Kabupaten Tangerang. The location of Pasar Pelangi Sepatan which is close to residential and trading areas makes this market an option for local people to buy their daily needs. The current condition of the Pasar Pelangi Sepatan has no regularity in the use of space in the area. This can be seen from the number of traders who choose to sell on the side of the street corridor. This causes a build-up of activities on the side of the street and interferes with the circulation causing traffic jams. Based on these problems, it is necessary to arrange the area around the Pasar Pelangi Sepatan in order to improve the quality of the area, so that it can provide comfort not only for sellers and buyers but also for people in the surrounding area. The arrangement of the Pasar Pelangi Sepatan area approached with Modern Architecture to be able to maximize the shape of the area but still be simple. The concept of arrangement of Pasar Pelangi Sepatan is “Traditional Meet Modern” with the theme “Play Colourful of Friendly”. The use of this concept and theme is expected to give a new impression to the Pasar Pelangi Sepatan area as a modern and cheerful traditional market.


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