• Nheelam Dwi Septyana Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
  • Rita Laksmitasari Rahayu Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
  • Soepardi Harris Universitas Indraprasta PGRI
Keywords: local culture, eco-culture, ecology, Kalianda Fish Landing Base


The majority of the Kalianda people work as traditional fishermen, who still maintain their ancestral traditions and customs in carrying out fishing activities. The fish catched by Kalianda fishermen cannot be accommodated by the facilities at the Kalianda Fish Landing Base, Lampung. This is due to buildings that are less than optimal to accommodate fisherman catch processing activities. Despite the situations, every year there is an increase in catches by fishermen, so this is one of the reasons the Kalianda Fish Landing Base is an investment opportunity for South Lampung Regency. Kalianda Fish Landing Base needs to be developed through an eco-culture approach. This approach is the right approach to accommodate activities at PPI Kalianda by presenting local cultural roles and identities, as well as harmony between buildings, nature and the surrounding community. The Kalianda Fish Landing Base building was designed using an eco-cultural approach. This study aims to design the Kalianda Fish Landing Base by taking into account the culture of the local community and still paying attention to the environment. The implementation of ecological principles related to natural restoration and utility aspects is also one of the efforts to preserve ecosystems in a sustainable manner.


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