• Tea Ghita Nata
  • Atri Prautama Dewi Universitas Pancasila
Keywords: fashion, Jember Fashion Carnaval (JFC), costume, creativity, museum


Jember Fashion Carnaval (JFC) is an annual event that displays a variety of unique and creative costumes with their beauty standards created by the participating participants. Those costumes were then displayed along the streets of the city of Jember, from the town square of Jember to GOR PKPSO Jember with a length of 3.6 km, which was recorded at MURI as the longest catwalk, thus making this activity a pioneer and a barometer of fashion carnival in Indonesia. The Jember Fashion Carnaval activity also makes it a city branding for the city of Jember because it increases the attractiveness of tourists and investors. However, after the event, the costumes made with many funds are saved and will be displayed again if someone rents them or is called out of the country. Because of this, people who missed this annual activity can no longer see how the costumes produced participant creativity. So, it has hoped that the construction of a building in the form of a museum can display costumes from the creativity of the Jember people and provide a forum for creativity for the community and provide iconic buildings with modern designs for the city of Jember so that can create new tourist attractions and can attract tourists from outside the city. The building of a museum is because the museum is a place to store various objects of art and knowledge that deserve public attention, such as the work of humans, evidence of a culture in nature, and the environment so that it can be maintained and cared for and preserved.


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