Pendekatan Arsitektur Analogi Pada Pengembangan Fasilitas Sirkuit Bung Tomo Surabaya

Pendekatan Arsitektur Analogi Pada Pengembangan Fasilitas Sirkuit Bung Tomo Surabaya

  • elvinnata nurhuda universitas 17 agustus 1945 surabaya
Keywords: gelora bung tomo, racing circuit, sport, surabaya.


This development of the automotive industry certainly has an impact on automotive sports in Indonesia. Automotive sports in Indonesia itself are growing over time (Christiyanto, 2010). This is evidenced by the growing development of cities or regions that have permanent racing circuits and improvements to existing ones (Dionisius Budi W, 2014). This is evidenced by the addition of a new international motorcycle racing circuit in Mandalika, Central Lombok, NTB. So that Indonesia itself has a total of 12 circuits located in various areas, one of which is in the city of Surabaya, located at the Gelora Bung Tomo Circuit.



Kementrian Perindustrian Republik Indonesia, “Menperin: Industri Otomotif Jadi Sektor Andalan Ekonomi Nasional.” [Online]. Available:

S. Christiyanto, “Sirkuit Dan Pusat Pelatihan Balap Motor Di Yogyakarta,” Tugas Akhir Sarjana Strata 1, Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta, 2010.

D. B. Wicaksono, “Redesain Bangunan Fasilitas Sirkuit Sentul, Bogor,” Tugas Akhir Sarjana Strata 1, Universitas Diponegoro, 2014.

Pemerintah Kota Surabaya, RPJMD Kota Surabaya 2021-2025.

Pemerintah Kota Surabaya, Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kota Surabaya Tahun 2014-2034.

Ikatan Motor Indonesia, “Wawancara Ketua IMI Jawa Timur Dan Jajarannya,” Nov. 21, 2021.

Federation Internationale de Motorcyclisme, “FIM Standarts For Circuits.” 2020.

Humas Surabaya, Master Plan Gelora Bung Tomo.
