Identifikasi Elemen Arsitektural Kawasan Segitiga Jatinegara Sebagai Pembentuk Identitas Kota

  • Adrianus Solo Universitas Bung Karno
Keywords: History of the, government regulation, architectural elements, function space



With the existence of buildings and spatial patterns that support regional activities. The Jatinegara Triangle is one of the historical areas in Jakarta which has various interesting potentials, as a city economic space and a marker for the city of Jakarta. The condition of the area is currently growing rapidly, so it tends to ignore local government regulations. This factor is important in the study, namely: Is the physical growth and development of the Jatinegara Triangle area in accordance with local government regulations? And what elements are experiencing deviations (not appropriate). The research method used is qualitative, with descriptive analysis revealing the actual conditions of the Jatinegara Triangle area which shows symptoms of a decline in quality, or an increase indicated by the increasing number of building arrangements and displays that do not pay attention to harmony and architectural rules relating to the elements of the city. Analysis of the findings from this research, by describing the actual conditions of the Jatinegara triangle area both visually, functionally (activities) and physically (structures), which were studied using theory and local regulatory approaches (DKI Jakarta Government regulations).


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