Kegiatan di Ruang Publik dan Pemanfaatan Ruang Terbuka Hijau, Studi Kasus: Alun-alun Kota Bogor

  • Margaret Arni Universitas Pancasila
Keywords: activities, bogor city, green open space, public space, square, utilization.



Bogor City Square is located in a strategic area with an interest in economic growth and becomes an important green open space (RTH) to create a clean, beautiful, comfortable, and healthy environment. This research used observation and descriptive analysis methods. The purpose of the research is to find out the activities in public space and the utilization of RTH Bogor City square. Based on the results and discussion, Bogor City square has fulfilled the needs of citizens in public space, namely comfort, relaxation, passive engagement, active engagement, and discovery. The shortcomings that arise are the unavailability of selling space for street vendors (PKL), causing the pedestrian path to become choked and narrow. Bogor City Square has been utilized as green space according to ecological, economic, socio-cultural, and aesthetic functions. The shortcomings that arise are ecological function, that is groundcover grass that is damaged due to socio-cultural function activities; socio-cultural function, that there are children who play in inappropriate places; and aesthetic function, that is the availability of trash bins as landscape furniture that cannot accommodate garbage properly. The functions of RTH that are not yet available are water catchment and disaster mitigation.




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