Penilaian Kesesuaian Bangunan Sekolah Mengikuti Pedoman UNESCO

  • Anedya Wardhani Soeroto Universitas Pancasila
Keywords: buildings, requirements, school buildings, suitability, UNESCO guideline.


Educational building facilities have a very important role for a nation. This paper discusses assessing the conformity of school buildings with the guidelines set by UNESCO. The research method was carried out using a detailed assessment analysis by comparing State Middle School buildings in Cianjur district, West Java against UNESCO guidelines, with a focus on aspects such as the environment, learning areas and supporting areas. The main objective of this research is to understand the extent to which school buildings in Indonesia meet international standards in the educational context and provide insight into the importance of conformity of school buildings with UNESCO guidelines. By identifying potential areas requiring improvement, this paper serves as a guide for formulating recommendations to improve the quality of educational facilities. The results of this assessment provide an assessment that 80.17% of school buildings in Cianjur district are in accordance with the guidelines set by UNESCO. By involving education stakeholders and policy makers, it is hoped that the results of this research can encourage positive changes in meeting international education standards.


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