• Helen Devita Alumni
Keywords: behaviour, mapping, land, bussibess space


Currently, population growth is increasing, which has resulted in an increasing need for land. This can be seen in the Pondok Cina Area, especially the Pondok Cina Station Area. The road has been used as a business space. Business spaces with pedestrian and vehicle circulation have been mixed together.  This is what causes the arrangement of the area that is seen at this time as irregular and forced. This research was conducted to find out how the pattern of using business space, so that it can be arranged effectively and functionally. The method used in collecting data is behavior mapping. This method is useful for describing behavior patterns in the form of maps, knowing the type of frequency of behavior, and showing the relationship between behavior in specific designs. In addition, in data management three types of methods are used, namely, figure ground, linkage theory and place. From the use of these three methods, several areas were found that could be more useful as a business space. This is useful so that traders / street vendors do not disturb the circulation of motorists / cars and pedestrians. 


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