The pedestrian path in the Old Depok Station area is still uncomfortable. This situation occurs mainly due to the activities of street vendors who use pedestrian paths without rules, thus disrupting pedestrian activities and circulation in the area. To overcome this problem, a revitalization plan is planned that focuses on building a better and more comfortable pedestrian path. The aim is to create a safe and pleasant environment for the users of the area. In addition, relocation of street vendors will be carried out to a wider area, in order to reduce interference with pedestrian activities around Depok Lama Station. The revitalization of the pedestrian path is expected to provide a positive experience for users and thus local economic activities. The construction of pedestrian paths and relocation of traders are strategic steps to improve the quality of the area, create a balance between the interests of traders and users, and improve the image of the area, so that the Old Depok Station Area can become a place that is pedestrian-friendly, organized, sustainable, and has a good influence on the station area.
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