• Diptya Anggita Universitas Pancasila
  • Adryanto Ibnu Wibisono
Keywords: church, building acoustics, , noise intensity, noise.



The place of worship should ideally be in an area that provides solemnity in worship. St. Peter's Catholic Church, Pancasila University is located near the main road and train line, so it requires noise level studies to develop the church to make it more comfortable for its users. The research method used is qualitative and quantitative, with several stages, namely: (1) data exploration, (2) measurement of noise levels using a Sound Level Meter (SLM), (3) calculation and analysis, and (4) conclusions. The calculation method uses an equivalent system (Equivalent Index (Leq), indicator percentage figures (percentile index) of 10%, 50%, and 90%, using histogram bars. The results of this study show that road noise and the Church environment are included in the scale The noise intensity is "Strong", while the noise inside the Church is in the "Medium" noise intensity category. Therefore, it is concluded that St. Peter's Catholic Church needs optimization in the development of Church acoustics.


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