• Stella Ananda Harry Universitas Pancasila
Keywords: aesthetic, , contemporary architecture style, classical architecture style, hotel, visual character


This study aims to determine the effect of two architectural styles on aesthetics by analyzing, evaluating, and comparing the aesthetics of contemporary and classical style hotel's visual characters. The Discovery Ancol Hotel and The Gunawarman Hotel will serve as the case studies of this research. The analysis focuses on the visual character elements of the building facade and the interior space of both study cases. Aesthetic evaluation uses aesthetic principles as indicators (scale and proportion, unity and variation, balance, rhythm, emphasis and focal point, and contrast). The research methodology used is a descriptive-qualitative method with a rationalistic approach. The research results show that an architectural style does not affect a building's aesthetic values but is affected by the process of a person or group of architects designing and applying aesthetic principles so it can be aesthetically pleasing. This study provides helpful insights to deliver some answers to the never-ending debate regarding contemporary style and classical style with their contradictory characteristics.


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