The Dukuh Atas TOD area is one of the intermodal integration areas. TOD Dukuh Atas planning provides an opportunity for business buildings to complement each other functionally and optimally. A mixed-use building is one of the fulfillments of the needs of several building functions that are integrated into one TOD Dukuh Atas area. The characteristic users of the TOD Dukuh Atas area are office workers who work 8 hours, and the distance traveled by users between residences and workplaces takes quite a long time. TOD area users need facilities that support health consciousness. The design of the mixed-use building in TOD Dukuh Atas uses the concept of health consciousness and a humanist architectural design approach. The main objective is to create a sustainable environment and dynamic public space. By combining offices, malls, plazas, and eco-parks, the humanist architectural approach emphasizes human needs, ensuring each element supports social interaction, comfort, and user well-being. The results show the potential to increase land use efficiency, reduce the carbon footprint, and improve the quality of life of the community. The eco-park design provides refreshing and educational green spaces, while plazas and commercial areas support public activities. Key challenges include stakeholder coordination and compliance with environmental regulations. This study provides guidance for developers and urban planners in sustainable urban development.
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