• Faisal Choirul Laka PT. Swadaya Panduartha
Keywords: banjarnegara, penataan, ramah lingkungan, pasar kota, perancangan kota


Banjarnegara is a regency in Central Java Province with a tropical climate rich in natural resources. A critical area in Banjarnegara that is closely linked to the community's life is the Banjarnegara city market, the largest public market in the area. Since the fire in 2021, the condition of the leading market building and the surrounding area has significantly deteriorated. This research employs observational and field documentation methods, semi-structured interviews, literature studies, and precedent studies. Based on the research findings, the existing conditions in the study area include inadequate and poorly maintained accessibility and connectivity of pathways. Additionally, there are other issues, such as damaged pedestrian paths, slum environments, haphazard parking, uneven building groupings, and inadequate area infrastructure and utilities. This study concludes that the Banjarnegara city market area requires reorganization to improve quality. To this end, the author applies an Eco-Friendly theme as the foundation and guideline in the concept development and approach stages of design.


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