Hirarchi 2025-01-24T13:41:09+00:00Dr. Dini Journal Systems<p><strong>Hirarchi</strong> is a national journal published by Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pancasila. This is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to applying architectural research, architectural design, architecture history, urban design and planning, landscape architecture, and building structure. Architectural final project reports are welcome to be submitted. We accept National and International original research articles that are free of charge. Three independent National advisory boards will review the manuscript in their expert field. <strong>Hirarchi</strong> is published every 2 (two) times a year, in Januari & Juli , and registered with 1693-6507 (printed).</p> OF ENVIRONMENTAL NOISE LEVELS OF SAINT PETER’S CHURCH, PANCASILA UNIVERSITY2025-01-24T13:40:59+00:00Diptya Ibnu Wibisono<p>.</p> <p><em>The place of worship should ideally be in an area that provides solemnity in worship. St. Peter's Catholic Church, Pancasila University is located near the main road and train line, so it requires noise level studies to develop the church to make it more comfortable for its users. The research method used is qualitative and quantitative, with several stages, namely: (1) data exploration, (2) measurement of noise levels using a Sound Level Meter (SLM), (3) calculation and analysis, and (4) conclusions. The calculation method uses an equivalent system (Equivalent Index (Leq), indicator percentage figures (percentile index) of 10%, 50%, and 90%, using histogram bars. The results of this study show that road noise and the Church environment are included in the scale The noise intensity is "Strong", while the noise inside the Church is in the "Medium" noise intensity category. Therefore, it is concluded that St. Peter's Catholic Church needs optimization in the development of Church acoustics.</em></p>2025-01-22T10:03:37+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Hirarchi STUDY OF CONTEMPORARY STYLE AND CLASSICAL STYLE HOTEL VISUAL CHARACTERS EFFECT TOWAND AESTHETIC2025-01-24T13:41:01+00:00Stella Ananda Harry<p><em>This study aims to determine the effect of two architectural styles on aesthetics by analyzing, evaluating, and comparing the aesthetics of contemporary and classical style hotel's visual characters. The Discovery Ancol Hotel and The Gunawarman Hotel will serve as the case studies of this research. The analysis focuses on the visual character elements of the building facade and the interior space of both study cases. Aesthetic evaluation uses aesthetic principles as indicators (scale and proportion, unity and variation, balance, rhythm, emphasis and focal point, and contrast). The research methodology used is a descriptive-qualitative method with a rationalistic approach. The research results show that an architectural style does not affect a building's aesthetic values but is affected by the process of a person or group of architects designing and applying aesthetic principles so it can be aesthetically pleasing. This study provides helpful insights to deliver some answers to the never-ending debate regarding contemporary style and classical style with their contradictory characteristics.</em></p>2025-01-20T15:10:37+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Hirarchi HEALTH CONSCIOUSNESS FACILITIES IN THE DUKUH ATAS TRANSIT ORIENTED DEVELOPMENT AREA: HUMANISTIC ARCHITECTURE 2025-01-24T13:41:02+00:00Rita<p><em>The Dukuh Atas TOD area is one of the intermodal integration areas. TOD Dukuh Atas planning provides an opportunity for business buildings to complement each other functionally and optimally. A mixed-use building is one of the fulfillments of the needs of several building functions that are integrated into one TOD Dukuh Atas area. The characteristic users of the TOD Dukuh Atas area are office workers who work 8 hours, and the distance traveled by users between residences and workplaces takes quite a long time. TOD area users need facilities that support health consciousness. The design of the mixed-use building in TOD Dukuh Atas uses the concept of health consciousness and a humanist architectural design approach. The main objective is to create a sustainable environment and dynamic public space. By combining offices, malls, plazas, and eco-parks, the humanist architectural approach emphasizes human needs, ensuring each element supports social interaction, comfort, and user well-being. The results show the potential to increase land use efficiency, reduce the carbon footprint, and improve the quality of life of the community. The eco-park design provides refreshing and educational green spaces, while plazas and commercial areas support public activities. Key challenges include stakeholder coordination and compliance with environmental regulations. This study provides guidance for developers and urban planners in sustainable urban development.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p>2025-01-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) AREA ARRANGEMENT IN BANJARNEGARA CITY2025-01-24T13:41:04+00:00Faisal Choirul<p><em>Banjarnegara is a regency in Central Java Province with a tropical climate rich in natural resources. A critical area in Banjarnegara that is closely linked to the community's life is the Banjarnegara city market, the largest public market in the area. Since the fire in 2021, the condition of the leading market building and the surrounding area has significantly deteriorated. This research employs observational and field documentation methods, semi-structured interviews, literature studies, and precedent studies. Based on the research findings, the existing conditions in the study area include inadequate and poorly maintained accessibility and connectivity of pathways. Additionally, there are other issues, such as damaged pedestrian paths, slum environments, haphazard parking, uneven building groupings, and inadequate area infrastructure and utilities. This study concludes that the Banjarnegara city market area requires reorganization to improve quality. To this end, the author applies an Eco-Friendly theme as the foundation and guideline in the concept development and approach stages of design.</em></p>2025-01-22T10:02:09+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Hirarchi'S SRIWEDARI PARK PRESERVATION EFFORTS AS A CULTURAL HERITAGE 2025-01-24T13:41:06+00:00Anisa Eka<p><em>The Sriwedari Park in Surakarta is a cultural heritage area with high historical and cultural value, but it is abandoned and needs to be maintained due to prolonged ownership disputes. This research was conducted through a qualitative approach to explore the Solo City Government's efforts to preserve and revitalize Sriwedari Park despite ongoing and unresolved legal issues. Data were collected through field observations, archival documentation, and literature studies that support and align with the research focus. The research findings show that the Solo City Government began to make revitalization efforts after winning the legal dispute in 2022. The revitalization effort began with clearing the area for the construction of the Great Mosque as part of the land reuse plan. This research focuses on the importance of the government and community working together to conserve and utilize the cultural heritage area. The results of this study also successfully demonstrate that cultural preservation requires consistent and sustained attention in addressing legal and social issues.</em></p>2025-01-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Hirarchi TRANSPORTATION ROUTE ENGINEERING ON THE PALACE CULTURAL TOURISM IN CIREBON CITY 2025-01-24T13:41:07+00:00Muhammad<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Cirebon City has great potential in the tourism sector. The existence of the palaces is the main destination called heritage tourism. Seeing the great potential of tourism, of course, it must be supported by ease of accessibility, transportation, and infrastructure. Accessibility in the palace tourism area is not yet efficient because transportation has not been integrated with each other. This research was conducted using a qualitative method with direct observation in the palace tourism area and indirect observation. To maximize the potential of palace tourism, it is necessary to integrate between palaces by taking into account the efficiency of time and comfort of tourists. The result from this research is a new route engineering that is expected to improve accessibility, transportation, and infrastructure for Cirebon heritage tourism, especially in Kanoman Palace, Kasepuhan Palace, and Kacirebonan Palace.</em></p>2025-01-22T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Jurnal Hirarchi