Hirarchi 2024-07-27T13:57:08+00:00Dr. Dini Journal Systems<p><strong>Hirarchi</strong> is a national journal published by Fakultas Teknik Universitas Pancasila. This is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to applying architectural research, architectural design, architecture history, urban design and planning, landscape architecture, and building structure. Architectural final project reports are welcome to be submitted. We accept National and International original research articles that are free of charge. Three independent National advisory boards will review the manuscript in their expert field. <strong>Hirarchi</strong> is published every 2 (two) times a year, in Januari & Juli , and registered with 1693-6507 (printed).</p> PENGGUNAAN RUANG USAHA DI KAWASAN PONDOK CINA2024-07-27T13:56:57+00:00Helen<p><em>Currently, population growth is increasing, which has resulted in an increasing need for land. This can be seen in the Pondok Cina Area, especially the Pondok Cina Station Area. The road has been used as a business space. Business spaces with pedestrian and vehicle circulation have been mixed together. This is what causes the arrangement of the area that is seen at this time as irregular and forced. This research was conducted to find out how the pattern of using business space, so that it can be arranged effectively and functionally. The method used in collecting data is behavior mapping. This method is useful for describing behavior patterns in the form of maps, knowing the type of frequency of behavior, and showing the relationship between behavior in specific designs. In addition, in data management three types of methods are used, namely, figure ground, linkage theory and place. From the use of these three methods, several areas were found that could be more useful as a business space. This is useful so that traders / street vendors do not disturb the circulation of motorists / cars and pedestrians.</em> </p>2024-07-27T13:41:42+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Hirarchi JALUR PEDESTRIAN WILAYAH STASIUN DEPOK LAMA2024-07-27T13:56:58+00:00Nirmala Melati<p><em>The pedestrian path in the Old Depok Station area is still uncomfortable. This situation occurs mainly due to the activities of street vendors who use pedestrian paths without rules, thus disrupting pedestrian activities and circulation in the area. To overcome this problem, a revitalization plan is planned that focuses on building a better and more comfortable pedestrian path. The aim is to create a safe and pleasant environment for the users of the area. In addition, relocation of street vendors will be carried out to a wider area, in order to reduce interference with pedestrian activities around Depok Lama Station. The revitalization of the pedestrian path is expected to provide a positive experience for users and thus local economic activities. The construction of pedestrian paths and relocation of traders are strategic steps to improve the quality of the area, create a balance between the interests of traders and users, and improve the image of the area, so that the Old Depok Station Area can become a place that is pedestrian-friendly, organized, sustainable, and has a good influence on the station area.</em></p>2024-07-27T13:41:19+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Hirarchi KURIKULUM ARSITEKTUR DI INDONESIA2024-07-27T13:57:00+00:00Edhi Dewantowahyu.dewanto@bigpond.comKyla<p><strong><em>Abstract: </em></strong></p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td width="628"><em>The international certification of architects and the arrival of foreign architects in Indonesia from the global market have triggered moves to improve the architectural curricula in Indonesia. Many conferences, seminars and workshops have been organized by Indonesian schools of architecture to formulate the goals and strategies of the reform. While reform of education in architecture was and js welcomed by many stakeholders, for some it has caused feelings of anxiety and confusion. These feelings may, in part, be attributed to the gap between the way architecture is practiced by professionals and the way it is taught Other factors which hinder change include lack of readiness for reform in the schools and lack of financial and regulatory support from the government. There are many unfortunate conditions that impede the progress of curriculum improvement, including the social, economical and political upheavals in Indonesia since 1998. This paper highlights and discusses some of the significant hurdles which curriculum reform must address and proposes some approaches to solving these problems.</em></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p> </p> </td> <td> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p><br><br></p>2024-07-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Hirarchi DESAIN DARI KOMUNITAS LOKAL DALAM PERANCANGAN EKOWISATA DUKUH KARANGMOJO, DELANGGU2024-07-27T13:57:01+00:00Alfina Nur Benedikta<p><em>Delanggu sub-district, Klaten is known as a producer of Rojolele fragrant rice. However, currently, this image is fading as people's interest in producing Rojolele rice decreases. Because of this, an initiative emerged to develop the rice fields into an ecotourism area that educates the public and builds new communities that are attached to their environment. A case study will be carried out in Nyambu Village Ecotourism, Jatiluwih Tourism Village, and Sambi Tourism Village as a reference in developing Delanggu ecotourism by analyzing the causes of problems along with preventive solutions. This research aims to find a solution point for designing sustainable Delanggu ecotourism and increasing public awareness of Rojolele rice production. By involving the local community in developing Delanggu ecotourism, local community awareness will grow so that Delanggu ecotourism continues to live with the local community. Not only focusing on the existence of Rojolele rice, but also on developing innovative and adaptive facilities that ultimately encourage local communities to actively participate in forming spaces that mark the existence of Delanggu ecotourism. Through a synthesis of village inventory mapping stages from physical and non-physical aspects, as well as Focus Group Discussions (FGD) with existing communities, it is hoped that Delanggu Ecotourism planning recommendations will be realized which directly involve the role of local communities so that indirectly, not only creating space physically, but also attracting public interest in the essence of Delanggu ecotourism itself.</em></p> <p><em> </em></p> <p> </p>2024-07-27T13:39:24+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Hirarchi PEMETAAN TATA RUANG UNTUK PERANCANGAN MUSEUM TEMATIK TENUN DOMPU NUSA TENGGARA BARAT2024-07-27T13:57:04+00:00Sahadat<p><em>Dompu woven fabric is a craft art, that has a local wisdom value that upholds the value of customs and is an object of the cultural heritage of Dompu NTB, the problems that are often encountered related to the arrangement of woven fabric collections on the comfort of the museum are influenced by architectural elements directed to the display design as a place to display the collection objects presented or exhibited. The creation of the museum is one of the solutions to meet the needs of structuring the woven fabric collection as a cultural heritage of Dompu. The spatial arrangement in designing this thematic museum applies the concept of vitrine display. The design of the vitrine display in the museum takes into account the aesthetic values and still maintains the safety of the woven fabric collection. In the design of this museum is expected to be able to pay attention to building physics and thermal comfort in applying the layout of the display space for the comfort of the museum from circulation, collection storage, temperature, color, and lighting according to specified standards. So that the arrangement of the collection can impress and can provide information to visitors.</em></p> <p> </p>2024-07-27T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Hirarchi MASSA BANGUNAN MENGGUNAKAN BUILDING INFORMATION MODELLING (BIM) (STUDI KASUS: OCTAGON VIEW, JL MH THAMRIN, JAKARTA PUSAT)2024-07-27T13:57:06+00:00 Rana Ghaniyya Tahany Susantoranatahany@gmail.comYulita<p><em>The construction of high rise buildings in Jakarta is becoming more active and busier every day. The increasing need for space in Jakarta as a city center and land for income generation is in fact not in line with</em><em> the</em><em> land availability. So land in Jakarta becomes </em><em>more </em><em>expensive. To accommodate the large demand on small land, the construction of tall buildings is deemed suitable as a good solution or alternative. However, tall buildings also have a negative impact on the environment and humans. So, it is important for architects or other design experts to understand and explore the factors that can influence the success of a tall building. Building Information Modeling (BIM) is the newest approach that can simplify and speed up the work of experts in analyzing designs in the pre-design process in the form of building mass. BIM's ability to connect models in 2D and 3D is very suitable for the pre-design process of experts, which has been done manually and has wasted a lot of time and money due to erratic changes. Such aspects of lighting, which are important in the design process, can be easily simulated using BIM. However, with BIM, all changes made to the model can be done easily and integrated with other software. This is what makes BIM a versatile way of designing.</em></p>2024-07-27T13:37:11+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Hirarchi