Rancang Bangun Alat pengukur Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT) Berbasis Android

  • Dewanto Indra Krisnadi Universitas Pancasila
  • Alfi Ridwanto
Keywords: Body Mass Index, Android, Pasien


The Community Health Center (PUSKESMAS) has facilities for
weighing and measuring height. This facility is used by the community to determine
their ideal body condition by calculating the Body Mass Index (BMI) which is the
result of calculations from the equipment. However, usually the facilities used to
calculate BMI at PUSKESMAS are still done manually, so it takes time to record
patient history. To facilitate the process of recording and calculating BMI, an
android-based body mass index measuring device was made. This tool can measure
height, weight in an integrated manner, find out the BMI category directly and the
results are directly recorded in the patient database. In testing the equipment made,
an average error of 0.79% was obtained for measuring height, and an average error
of 0.37% was obtained in weighing weight, with success in making BMI decisions
of 100%.
