Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction 2024-01-12T07:44:11+00:00 Dr. Yustisia Pasfatima Mbulu, SST.Par., M.Si. Open Journal Systems <p align="justify"><br clear="left"><a title="Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction" href=""><img style="margin: 8px 10px 0px 0px;" src="/public/site/images/admintourism/journalThumbnail_en_US.jpg" width="95px" height="135px" align="left"></a> <span style="vertical-align: middle;">Publish or perish, demikian ungkapan yang populer di dunia akademik, untuk menggambarkan kewajiban akademisi mempublikasikan penelitian dan karya ilmiahnya. Sebagai ilmu yang baru saja beberapa tahun diakui secara formal di Indonesia sebagai ilmu mandiri yang sejajar dengan ilmu-ilmu sosial lainnya, publikasi ilmiah pariwisata saat ini masih terbatas jumlahnya. Untuk itu Fakultas Pariwisata Universitas Pancasila tergerak menerbitkan jurnal yang khususnya ingin menjadi wadah publikasi bagi kajian dan penelitian di bidang destinasi dan atraksi pariwisata. Kekhususan kepada kedua bidang tersebut juga bertujuan untuk memperkaya khazanah jurnal pariwisata di Indonesia yang sebagian besar pada saat ini mencakup kepariwisataan secara umum dan hospitality. Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction direncanakan terbit dua kali setahun yaitu pada bulan Juni dan Desember.</span></p> TOURIST VILLAGE INNOVATION IN CREATING MANAGEMENT AND SUSTAINABLE MARKETING 2024-01-12T07:44:11+00:00 Apit Buchori Agung Sulistyo Tri Eko Yudiandri M Bangga Arifkusuma Fakhrul Hadianto Elvis Aguilera Indra Saputra <p><em>The development of tourism in Indonesia is encouraging news. This condition can be seen from the many tourism potentials, such as culture, crafts, culinary, and community activities within the frame of a tourist village. Changes in tourist behavior from mass tourism to alternative tourism provide opportunities for developing tourist villages. However, many tourist villages are still experiencing problems and need to provide benefits to the community. Several issues, such as legality, attractiveness, and marketing, to disagreements with other parties. This study aims to investigate the management of outstanding tourist villages. Qualitative methods combined with innovative diffusion instruments were used in this study. Several remarkable tourist villages were selected to be the objects of this research, including the tourist villages: Tinalah, Importantsari, and Nlanggeran. They collected data in this study using semi-structured interviews. Research informants are several managers of tourist villages and tourists who are visiting. The stages of data analysis in this study used the Miles Huberman method, including data transcription, reduction, coding, categorization, and conclusion. The research findings proved that the managers of outstanding tourist villages constantly innovate. Several innovation diffusion instruments are used as a guide, including innovation, communication channels, time, and legitimacy. The importance of organizations to present innovation is one of the requirements for sustainable management and marketing.</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction ADAPTATION STRATEGY OF PT. NUSANTARA TOUR & TRAVEL IN FACING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC 2024-01-12T07:38:00+00:00 Herman Novry Kristiansen Paninggiran Urania Heptanti Almas Nabili Imanina <p>The tourism sector is one of the industries that has suffered huge losses from the COVID-19. Pandemic has resulted in almost all businesses in the tourism sector being forced to close or suspend their businesses because there are no tourists traveling and consumer purchasing power has dropped dramatically. The impact can also be seen from the travel agency business where this agency is a service to provide tour packages and tourism-related consultations to tourists and the pandemic was able to force many bureau businesses to be forced out of business. Even so, there are several tourism businesses that continue to run their business, namely PT. Nusantara Tour and Travel DP Mall Semarang branch. The research method used was qualitative with data collection techniques through interviews with managers of Nusantara travel bureaus. From the 4 strategies undertaken, it can be concluded that the Indonesian travel agency has survived to this day by imposing 50% work, 50% unpaid leave during a pandemic, dismissing employees whose contracts have expired and who are considered lacking in terms of work performance, conducting related training developing the skills and knowledge of its employees as well as taking a personal approach to its customers</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction BEHAVIORAL INTENTION OF Z GENERATION 2023-12-31T10:29:02+00:00 Amy Grace Stephanias Gulo I Made Adhi Gunadi Meizar Rusli <p><em>Generation Z's contribution in increasing tourist visits to Indonesia plays an important role. One of the tourist destinations frequently visited by Generation Z tourists in Indonesia is Puncak Bogor tourist destination. This study aims to identify the tourist experience and behavioral intention, and then analyze the influence of tourist experience dimensions to</em><em>ward</em><em> behavioral intention in generation Z tourists who visit Puncak. This study uses a quantitative method with a descriptive verification approach and multiple linear regression </em><em>analysis</em><em>. The results of this study</em> <em>show that the escapism sub-variable is more prominent in the tourist experience of generation Z tourists because they get a pleasant experience that is different from their </em><em>daily </em><em>routine. Meanwhile, repurchase intention or willingness to return to Puncak is highest on the behavioral intention of generation Z tourists because of the satisfaction with the beauty of the destination. Furthermore, the results of multiple linear regression analysis describe that only the escapism sub-variable and the esthetic sub-variable had partially significant effect on the behavioral intention of generation Z tourists. Otherwise, the education sub-variable and the entertainment sub-variable have no effect on behavioral intention. Th</em><em>ese </em><em>are due to the difficulty of getting skills improvement in tourism activities at</em> <em>destination, and provision of entertainment dimension that is relatively common for generation Z tourists.</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction FEASIBILITY STUDY OF NGIARVARAT BEACH NATURAL TOURISM ATTRACTION, OHOIDERTAVUN VILLAGE, SOUTHEAST MALUKU DISTRICT 2023-12-31T10:30:22+00:00 Melissa Renjaan Kemilius Deleles Betaubun Ida I Dewa Ayu Raka Susanty <p><em>One of the new tourist attractions that presents natural views in Southeast Maluku Regency is Ngiarvarat Beach. Ngiarvarat Beach has natural potential both on land and sea. Within a period of 2 years, development has been carried out including road access facilitated by the regional government. The problems seen in the natural tourist attraction of Ngiarvarat Beach are the minimal number of visits, inadequate facilities and the absence of a management organization. Furthermore, there has been no feasibility study on the natural tourist attraction of Ngiarvarat Beach. Therefore, the aim of this research is to determine the feasibility of the natural tourist attraction of Ngiarvarat Beach, Ohoidertawun village. Qualitative-descriptive is the method used in research. Data analysis uses guidelines for analyzing working areas of natural tourist objects and attractions (ADO-ODTWA). Furthermore, the research results show that the 8 feasibility assessment indicators, namely attractiveness, accessibility, availability of clean water, management &amp; services, social, economic and environmental conditions, security, investment, maintenance facilities and infrastructure, have an average score of 69.78 % eligibility rate. These results can be concluded that the natural tourist attraction of Ngiarvarat Beach is worthy of being developed into a natural tourist destination.</em></p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction TOURIST MOVEMENT PATTERNS IN THE MAMMINASATA REGION 2023-12-31T10:31:34+00:00 Masri Ridwan Yenny Susanto <p>The purpose of this paper was &nbsp;to identify the pattern of tourist movement and spatial distribution of tourist routes in the Mamminasata Region and its pull factors. In this context, pull factors influence the formation of travel routes to the Mamminasata Region.&nbsp; A total of 100 respondents as domestic tourists were willing to participate in filling out questionnaires found at tourist attractions and at hotels as the starting point for travel. Movement patterns carried out by tourists in the Mamminasata Region resulted in four movement routes including; First, the Fort Rotterdam-Maros Fort Area which forms a Single Point pattern with a Travel Duration of 1 day. The starting point was at the hotel around Fort Rotterdam, Makassar City then moves to Maros destination.&nbsp;&nbsp; Second, Losari Beach Tourism Area-Maros-Gowa-Takalar. which forms a Base Site pattern with a travel duration of 3 days and 2 nights. The movement pattern on this route resembles a ray spread with one centre point, Makassar City. Integrated area-based governance was needed in the Maminasata area through the establishment of the Mamminasata Tourism System. Thus, tourism policy can unravel the problem of regional equity as the vision of Mammiansata development which creates a national growth centre.</p> 2023-12-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction