Jurnal Mekanikal https://journal.univpancasila.ac.id/index.php/mekanikal en-US Jurnal Mekanikal 1693-2382 PENGEMBANGAN KOMPOSIT MATRIKS POLIMER BERPENGUAT SERAT SERABUT KELAPA https://journal.univpancasila.ac.id/index.php/mekanikal/article/view/2291 <p style="text-align: justify;">Highly amount of plastic usage for daily needs nowadays has caused the large amount of plastic waste in the nature. Therefore, the writer initiated a research towards coconut fiber as composite reinforcement to replace the usage of fiberglass composite reinforce with the goal to reduce the plastic usage in engineering world. In this research the writer used coconut fiber alkalized with 5% of NaOH and Unsaturated Polyester Resin as Matrix with 1% MEKPO as catalist. The writer was using hand lay-up method to cast the specimen with random orientation. 3 cm long coconut fiber is used as reinforce with 5%, 10% and 15% composition. The results of tensile test for 0% is 16,5 MPa, for 5% is 16,5 MPa, for 10% is 13 MPa, for 15% is 4 MPa. Therefore, the results of bending test for 0% is 46,38 MPa, for 5% is 7,95 MPa, for 10% is 38,43 MPa, for 15% is 16,83 MPa</p> Sean Basar Sebastian Hendri Sukma Arif Riyadi Tatak Copyright (c) 2020 Jurnal Mekanikal 2020-08-01 2020-08-01 15 1 1 5 DESAIN MODEL TANGKI UNTUK MENGHEMAT KONSUMSI DAYA POMPA PADA SISI DISCHARGE https://journal.univpancasila.ac.id/index.php/mekanikal/article/view/2293 <p style="text-align: justify;">This study aims to produce a prototype tank that is able to ease the work of the pump, especially increasing the pump head pressure (on the discharge side) so that it can save the input power of the pump up to the amount of power needed on the dischargenya side adjusted to the dimensions of the tank and buoy height. The research method used is development research with the following steps: (1) determining the definition of functions and specifications, (2) making a prototype tank model design to save pump power, (3) testing and simulating the performance of the design tank model. The test results show that the application of gravity on the liquid tank located at a certain elevation from the pump axis has a great potential to increase the pump's static head or can reduce power consumption on the pump discharge side up to 100% including losses on the discharge side by increasing tank capacity. Besides that, to obtain the effectiveness of the gravitational force used, the selection of buoyancy material and the thrust rod must be as light as possible.</p> Budhi Martana M. Galbi Bethalembah Fahrudin Fahrudin Copyright (c) 2020 Jurnal Mekanikal 2020-08-01 2020-08-01 15 1 6 11 PERANCANGAN SISTEM TATA UDARA RUANG BERSIH KELAS B UNTUK RUANG PRODUKSI OBAT DI PT.X https://journal.univpancasila.ac.id/index.php/mekanikal/article/view/2294 <p style="text-align: justify;">Perancangan sistem tata udara untuk ruang bersih di Indonesia mengacu pada standar yang diterbitkan oleh CPOB. Parameter-parameter yang harus dipenuhi berupa temperatur,kelembaban udara relative, jumlah partikel dan air change per hour. Dalam proses perancangan sistem tata udara untuk ruang bersih kelas B akan dilakukan perhitungan besar kalor ruangan yang dikondiskan dengan menggunakan metoda CLTD,analisa psikometrik, pemilihan peralatan yang terkait serta dilakukan perhitungan COP dan efesiensi secara teoritis pada sistem pendingin yang digunakan. Hasil perhitungan menunjukan besarnya kalor yang harus dikondisikan pada ruang bersih kelas B di PT.X adalah 69 kW. Filter yang digunakan adalah G14,F9,H14 dan menggunakan diffuser dan grille tipe perforated. Besarnya nilai COP aktual AHU yang digunakan adalah 8,20, nilai COP refrigerasi AHU yang digunakan adalah 11,67 sedangkan effesiensinya yaitu 70%.</p> Tenti Tresna Yanti Rudi Hermawan Copyright (c) 2020 Jurnal Mekanikal 2020-08-01 2020-08-01 15 1 12 20 PENGEMBANGAN KOMPOSIT MATRIKS POLIMER BERPENGUAT SERAT TANDAN KOSONG KELAPA SAWIT https://journal.univpancasila.ac.id/index.php/mekanikal/article/view/2295 <p style="text-align: justify;">Palm empty fruit bunches (PEFB) fiber is one of the wastes produced by processing crude palm oil (CPO) factories. The existence of abundant oil palm plantations can have negative impacts, such as processing that leaves waste. Therefore, if the utilization of PEFB can be developed more widely, it will increase the economic value of PEFB waste and be useful for reducing environmental pollution. The composites used are renewable natural fibers. Palm empty fruit bunch (PEFB) fiber was chosen because it has renewable or renewable properties. Composites reinforced with natural fibers have another advantage, namely having a low density so that they can produce a lighter composite. The process of making composites by means of hand lay-up is done manually by placing the fibers into the mold then wetting the fibers with a roller or brush with a random fiber orientation along 4 cm with a volume fraction of 3%, 5% and 8%. From the test results the largest value for tensile stress with a fiber volume fraction of 3% with the largest value of 30 MPa. The tensile strain with the largest value is 18% at 5% fiber volume fraction. The value of flexural strength with the highest average is at the fiber volume fraction of 8% of 54.28 MPa, the fiber volume fraction of 3% is 28.57 MPa and the fiber volume fraction of 5% is 32.75 MPa</p> Rafian Muhammad Ichsan Hendri Sukma Arif Riyadi Tatak Copyright (c) 2020 Jurnal Mekanikal 2020-08-01 2020-08-01 15 1 21 26 PEMBUATAN MODEL VALUASI HASIL RISET UNTUK MENDUKUNG PROGRAM PENDANAAN RISET BIDANG TEKNOLOGI TRANSPORTASI https://journal.univpancasila.ac.id/index.php/mekanikal/article/view/2296 <p style="text-align: justify;">One of the policy instruments to encourage the strengthening of innovation in the field of transportation technology is through research funding. The instrument is in the form of a national research funding program scheme that is given to research institutions such as government research institutions, universities and industry. This program is expected to be able to encourage the strengthening of the quality of research results in the field of national transportation technology.The research funding program is provided on an ongoing basis over several periods and it is necessary to evaluate its effectiveness and performance. The evaluation carried out is comprehensive and complete in many aspects of the assessment so that it can be used as policy input for the development of research funding programs in the future. For this reason, it is necessary to support an assessment instrument in the form of a valuation model to measure and assess and position the level of transportation equipment research products that have been produced in a certain period.This paper discusses the creation of a practical valuation model for measuring and valuing transportation equipment research results. This model can make it easier for research funding managers to evaluate their activities, perfect their programs and formulate a national transportation technology policy framework.</p> Hary Soebagyo Nely Toding Bunga Copyright (c) 2020 Jurnal Mekanikal 2020-08-01 2020-08-01 15 1 27 38