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Throughout the history of the Indonesian film industry, the most frequent type
of film adaptation produced has been film adaptations of novels. This is because
there has always been a great public interest to experience an existing story or
narrative in different media or formats. This is so for the adaptation of the novel
‘Laskar Pelangi ‘ with a film of the same title ‘Laskar Pelangi ‘. Then arises the
question of who is the creator of a movie from the adaptation of the novel? To
answer this question, a deep analysis was conducted on the scope of Intellectual
Property Rights, specifically Copyright, for the film ‘Laskar Pelangi’. The juridical
normative approach was used with the character perspective specification
as it aims to obtain suggestions that could be used to solve a problem. Based
on our analysis, an author is entitled to the ownership of their work for the
transformation of a story from a novel into another form of media, such as film.
The film itself would include the dramatization of the novel and include material
changes and arrangements that would generate a new version of the narrative.
A writer, as a creator, has been given ownership rights directly by Law of the
Republic of Indonesia Number 28 of 2014 on Copyright. This suggests that the
writer of the novel ‘Laskar Pelangi ‘ as well as its adaptations, Andrea Hirata,
can enjoy the results of his work by transferring his economic rights and has the
right to create any form of adaptation from his novel. Thus, Andrea Hirata as the
writer of the novel ‘Laskar Pelangi’ is the creator of every form of adaptation
of his novel, regardless of the parties that create these adaptations. Therefore,
Andrea Hirata is the creator of the film ‘Laskar Pelangi ‘ while the director (Riri
Riza) and Miles Film & Mizan Production are the Copyright Recipients who would
receive the economic rights from the movie ‘Laskar Pelangi’ as given by Andrea