Author Guidlines

Author Guidelines are as follows:

Before submission please make sure that your paper is prepared using the journal paper template. The authors must refer to submission guidelines and template of R E L E V A N for writing format and style (see & download template). This will ensure fast processing and publication. Authors are allowed to submit the articles either in Bahasa or in English. Any papers not fulfilling the requirements based on the guideline and template will not be processed.

1. The title must be written in capital letters, bold, centered, and limited to 16 words, Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing, Font of 16. In case of using more than one language, un-native language must be italicized.


2. For the author information, put the authors’ name without academic degrees and it should be bold, Times New Roman font 11, centered, with the superscript number. The superscript number explain the name of department, faculty, institution, city, and country where the authors work should be attributed and be written with Times New Roman font, 10 pt, single space. The corresponding author’s e-mail address should be specified and written with Times New Roman font, 10 pt. All the author attributes should be centered.


3. Abstracts must be written in two languages ​​(Bahasa and English) and must not exceed 200 words. The content of the abstract must contain four elements: logical argumentation, approach to problem solving, results achieved, and conclusions. Times New Roman, 10 pt, single space.


4. Maximum 6 words keywords, sorted from specific to general and written in one line


5. The content section is written with the font times new roman, 11 pt, 1.5 spacing, justify, and normal writing margins. Written not more than 7000 words in word document format.