Author Guidelines

Author(s) must be registered first as Author for submitting the manuscript to The submitted manuscript must be written properly in accordance with standard Indonesian Writing. For Author(s) whose manuscript(s) are accepted, will receive confirmation form of Copyright Transfer from Editorial Team as a statement of the authenticity of the manuscript(s).

The provisions of writing the manuscript:

  1. The manuscript can be written in Bahasa or English. It is typed in Microsoft Word with 1 (one) column for the abstract and 2 (two) column for the text. The paper size is A4 (29.7cm x 21cm) with a margin of top 2cm, bottom 2cm, inside 1cm, outside 1cm, gutter 0.5cm, header 1cm, and footer 1cm. Manuscript is written in 6-12 pages including Tables and Figures, and the number of pages must be an even number.
  2. The title of manuscript is written in Arial 14 point Bold. The main title is written ini all capital letters and subtitles uses lovercase letters with capital letters ant the beginning of each word. The title is made in 2 languages (Indonesian and English), if the text is in Indonesian, the title in English is written in brackets with Arial 10-point italics.
  3. Author's identity is made with the name, agency, agency address and one e-mail address of the first author for correspondence (corresponding author). The author's identity is written in 10-point Arial letters.
  4. The title of the manuscript is written in Arial letter 14 point bold. The main title is written in all capital letters, while the subtitles use lowercase letters with capital letters at the beginning of each word. The title is made in 2 languages ​​(Indonesian and English), if the writing is in Indonesian, then the title in English is written in brackets with Arial 12 point italics.
  5. Keyword consists of three to five words consisting of one word or a combination of words that indicate the main subjects in the text. Made in 2 languages, namely Indonesian and English, written following the abstract.
  6. The contents of the article start from the INTRODUCTION, METHOD, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS and REFERENCES. The contents of the article are made in 2 columns with Arial 10 letters. It is not allowed to make new subchapter titles in the introduction and conclusion chapters.
  7. The table is concise and given a brief but clear title that only presents essential and easy-to-understand data. The table is given sufficient notes, including the source, so that the table is able to explain the information presented independently. Each table is numbered sequentially and reviewed in the manuscript. For a table that exceeds one column in size, it can occupy the area of two columns. The table must not be in the form of a "picture", it must be in the form of a table.
  8. Pictures, Graphics and Photos must be sharp and clear. As with tables, information on pictures, graphs or photos must be sufficient to be presented independently. Images, graphics and photos should be included in the manuscript. As with tables, figures, graphs and photos whose size exceeds one column, they can occupy the area of two columns.
  9. References should be from clear sources and every reference listed in the bibliography must be cited (cited) in the manuscript and vice versa every citation must be listed in the bibliography. Primary references are more than 80% and published in the last 5 years. References included in the manuscript follow a standard pattern, arranged alphabetically by first author's (surname) name and year of publication, using the American Physiological Association 6th Edition citation system. It is recommended to use reference management software such as Mendeley and Grammarly. Turnitin is used to check the simmiliarity of writing to avoid plagiarism. Examples of writing in the Bibliography are as follows:

a. Articles in Journals (Primary Journal)

Othman, A., & Gloaguen, R. (2013). River Courses Affected by Landslides and Implications for Hazard Assessment: A High Resolution Remote Sensing Case Study in NE Iraq-W Iran. Remote Sensing, 5(3), 1024-1044.

b. Books

Danoedoro, P. (2009). Land-use Information from the Satellite Imagery: Versatility and Contents for Local Physical Planning. Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG.

c. Article part of Books

Berjak, P., Farrant, J. M., & Pammenter, N. W. (1989).The basis of recalcitrant seed behavior. In Talorson, R.B. (ed.) Recent advances in the development and germination of seeds. (pp. 89-108). Plenum Press, New York.

d. Regulations

RI (Republik Indonesia). (2012). Undang-Undang No. 18 Tahun 2012 tentang Pangan. Lembaran Negara RI Tahun 2012, No. 227. Sekretariat Negara. Jakarta.
Peraturan Gubernur Jawa Barat. (2010). Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Provinsi Jawa Barat Tahun 2009-2029.
Peraturan Daerah Nomor: 22 Tahun 2010. Gubernur Jawa Barat. Bandung.

e. Thesis and Dissertation

Aziz, N. (2006). Analisis Ekonomi Alternatif Pengelolaan Ekosistem Mangrove di Kecamatan Barru, Kabupaten Barru. Tesis Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Pertanian Bogor. Bogor. 105 hlm.

e. Proceeding Manuscripts

Setiawan I.B. (1999). Studies on environmental change and sustainable development of Cidanau Watershed. Proceeding of International Workshop on Sustainable Resources Management of Cidanau Watershed. Vol.1. RUBRD-UT/IPB. Bogor.

f. Conference Manuscripts

Mabowe, B.R., A. de Gier, Y.A. Hussin, M. Lubczynski and T. Obakeng. (2006). Estimation of Above Ground Biomass of Dry Savannah Trees in Sarowe Savannah Woodland, Bostwana Using Remote Sensing and GIS. An Article in 6th International Conference on Earth Observation and Geoinformation Sciences in Support of Africa’s Development, 30 October - 2 November 2006. Cairo.

g. Research Result Report

Koeshendrajana, S., Priyatna, F N. dan Mulyawan, I. (2008). Riset Identifikasi, Karakterisasi dan Valuasi Sosial Ekonomi Sumberdaya Perairan Umum Daratan. Laporan Teknis Kegiatan Penelitian. Balai Besar Riset Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan No. 10: 8-29. BRKP. Jakarta.

h. Online Manuscripts

Brown, S. (1997). Estimating Biomass and Biomass Change of Tropical Forest. FAO Forestry Paper 134. FAO, Rome. Cited in [17 September 2007].