Immunomodulator Activity of Bitter Melon (Momordica charantia) Fruit Extract as an Antimalarial in Patients with Uncomplicated Plasmodium Falsifarum Malaria Mediated by Cytokine IFN- γ, in Southwest Sumba Regency : a Case Report

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Dian Yudianto
Syamsudin Abdillah
Hesty Utami Ramadaniaty
Erni Juwita Nelwan


Cytokines are peptides or proteins secreted by body cells as a medium for intercellular communication and function as a body defense due to foreign substances, bacteria, viruses or parasites that enter the body. One of the cytokines that plays an important role in the regulation of Plasmodium falsiparum malaria parasite elimination is IFN-γ cytokine. IFN-γ cytokine is a cytokine that plays a role in the elimination of malaria parasites in patients with uncomplicated malaria. Case report a young man aged 18 years, weighing 36 kg, had a fever, a physical examination was carried out, parasitology was diagnosed by the doctor as having uncomplicated Plasmodium falsiparum malaria with an asexual parasite count of 4211/µL. The young man was given bitter melon extract 1x a day for 3 days. IFN-γ cytokine examination was performed on D0 (31.27 pg/mL) and D1 (6.42 pg/mL). Parasite examination in D1 was 826/µL), D2 was 123/µL, and D3, D4, D7, D14, D21, D28 had no asexual parasites and gametocytes. Haematology, clinical chemistry, blood fat and blood glucose examinations were carried out on D0, D14 and D28 with results still within normal limits. Clinical symptoms reported were weakness, headache, dizziness, chills, nausea, abdominal pain, muscle pain and fever and these clinical symptoms had disappeared by D4. Conclusion bitter melon extract has antimalarial activity through the mechanism of reducing IFN-γ cytokine which is one of the immunomodulatory markers

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