The Suitability of Outpatient Prescription with The Hospital Formulary for Tuberculosis at Pasar Minggu Regional General Hospital Jakarta

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Sondang Khairani
Yunita Alika Sriwanda


The Hospital Formulary is a list of drugs and drug use policies agreed upon by medical staff, compiled by the Pharmacy and Therapy Committee and approved by the hospital director. This formulary plays an important role in ensuring the correct use of drugs and according to standards for various diseases, including Tuberculosis (TBC), which is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis bacterial infection in the lungs. The aim of this study was to determine the suitability of outpatient drug prescribing with the hospital formulary for tuberculosis at the DOTS TB Clinic at Pasar Minggu Hospital in the period January to March 2024. This research is a cross-sectional study using a prospective total sampling technique. The results of the study showed that the total number of prescriptions used was 1,496 with the distribution of female 713 (47.66%) and male 783 (52.34%), the majority aged 46-55 years 364 (24.61%) with the most prescriptions in March 510 (34.10%). Conformity of prescriptions with the hospital formulary was highest in February at 95.76%. The use of drugs in accordance with the hospital formulary can provide safe, effective and efficient treatment.

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