Pengaruh kualitas produk, harga, dan social media marketing tiktok terhadap keputusan pembelian produk Corkcicle di Indonesia
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This research aims to marketing on purchasingl decisions for Corkcicle products in Indonesia. Thisl research isl quantitative
lresearch. Thel population usedl in thisl research werel consumers whol played social media TikTok and
had purchased Corkcicle products, with al sample size ofl 112 respondentsl using thel Rao Purba lformula.
Thel data collection methodl is through questionnaires. This research uses thel SmartPLS l3.0l analysis
technique. Thel results ofl this research show thatl product qualityl has al positive andl significant effectl
on purchasingl decisions withl a lT-Statistic valuel of l2.494 (> 1.96) andl P- Values l0.013 (< 0.05), pricel
has al positive andl significant effectl on purchasingl decisions withl a lT-Statistic valuel of 1.989 (>1.96)
andl P-Values l0.047 (<0.05), Social media marketingl is positivel and significantl on purchasingl
decisions withl a lT-Statisticl value ofl 3.042 (>1.96) and lP-Values l0.002 (<0.05), Thel variables product
quality, pricel and sociall media marketingl simultaneously havel a significantl influence onl purchasing decisionsl
with calculated F of 108 > F table of 2,69.