Gender Differences in Internet Addiction and Its Impact on Exposure to Pornography and Internet Gaming Disorder
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Various studies have shown that internet addiction and its impact can vary by gender. Previous research has shown that excessive internet use in men is associated with addiction to video games, while in women it is linked to social media addiction. There is still little research on internet addiction that inferentially inferences its impact on gender differences. The study aims to test gender differences in internet addiction and its impact on exposure to pornography and Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) among adolescents. The data was collected through a survey of 242 students at one of the state high schools in Jakarta. The results of the study showed no gender differences in internet addiction, but there were gender differences in terms of the impact of Internet addiction on pornography exposure and IGD. MANOVA's results showed an association between internet addictions and pornographic exposure, and IGD. Male adolescents tend to be more exposed to pornography and experience IGD compared to female adolescents. This research brings early warning about the impact of excessive internet use on future online behavioural problems. Although the impact of internet addiction on adolescents is not at its highest level, we need to be careful about this. In the future, access to the Internet is becoming easier and cheaper, plus the world's educational pressure on adolescents students is increasing, fearing that adolescents will seek escape through excessive use of the Internet.
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