Revisiting Communication in the Digital Age: Unraveling the Confluence of Dating Apps, Advertising Strategies, and Dark Patterns

  • Firya Qurratu'ain Abisono Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Risky Apriliani Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
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Keywords: Datting Apps, Advertising Strategies, Dark Patterns, Data Privacy, Consumer Protection


This comprehensive literature review delves into the intricate interplay between dating app ecosystems, advertising strategies, and the discrete integration of dark patterns—design elements subtly influencing user behavior. By synthesizing and analyzing existing scholarly works, this review navigates the multifaceted landscape where these elements converge. The article uncovers the strategic integration of advertising within dating app ecosystems, exploring how these platforms leverage advertising to enhance user engagement, influence interactions, and generate revenue. It delves into the ethical nuances of integrating dark patterns into app interfaces, raising questions about the balance between user autonomy and design manipulation. Furthermore, the article examines the intricate realm of user data privacy within dating apps, revealing the methods by which data is collected and harnessed for targeted advertising purposes. This exploration sheds light on the potential privacy vulnerabilities users may face and considers the regulatory frameworks guiding data protection. As a synthesis of current literature, this article offers a platform for researchers, practitioners, and policy makers to engage in a comprehensive discourse about the ethical dimensions encompassing dating app ecosystems, advertising strategies, and dark patterns. By weaving to gether in sights from various perspectives, it contributes to an on going dialogue on responsible technology design that prioritizes user welfare, fosters transparency, and aligns with ethical considerations in an ever-evolving digital landscape.


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How to Cite
Abisono, F. Q., & Apriliani, R. (2024). Revisiting Communication in the Digital Age: Unraveling the Confluence of Dating Apps, Advertising Strategies, and Dark Patterns. CoverAge: Journal of Strategic Communication, 15(1), 12-23.