Sifat-Sifat Kekuatan Tarik Belah Beton Kuat Normal Berdasarkan Jenis Beban dan Ukuran Spesimen Silinder
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Various size of Concrete cylinder come across often in any project site and the most simple and common method in obtaining the tensile strength of concrete is Splitting test. This study is to find out the influence of concrete cylinder size and loading type on behavior of splitting tensile strength of normal weight concrete. In this study height-diameter ratio h/d, Wide of load spreader t - radii of concrete cylinder r ratio (t/r) and diameter of the concrete cylinder as well are considered as variables. The current study was experimentally focused on behavior of Splitting Tensile strength of normal concrete. Specimens were concrete cylinder having compression strength f’c=25MPa and mix proportion was constant, namely 1:2:3 of cement-sand-crushed stone by volume with a constant water-cement ratio of 0.45. Cylinder depth to diameter ratios of the specimens was varied between 1 and 3. Data collected indicate that the wider the load spreader the higher the splitting tensile strength of the concrete. This is presumably due to changes in the load pattern from line-loads to evenly distributed-loads, and this phenomenon needs to be explored further. The load applied on the concrete specimens with wide spreader have a likelihood to be distributed one. Splitting tensile strength rises nonlinearly as the t-r ratio increase. The smaller the diameter of the specimens, the higher the splitting tensile strength gained
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