Case Study: PO. Bintang Timur Bus of the Mamuju-Makassar Route
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Interactions that occur between traffic components, namely, humans, vehicles, and roads, can cause transportation problems when not arranged properly. Examples of problems that can occur when there is an imbalance between supply and demand between these components. In this Covid-19 era, transportation is one of the biggest spreads of the virus. This resulted in a significant decrease in revenue for passenger transport. The method used is a quantitative method. The process of collecting primary data from the observations of the research object is carried out directly based on the parameters that have been determined. Freight Service Frequency, Stop Time, Number of Operating Vehicles, Load Factor, Transport Travel Duration, Time Between Vehicles, Transport Service Time, and Operational Speed are the parameters used in evaluating the performance of public transportation services. The results of this study generated that the operational performance of the Bintang Timur bus had an average load factor of 48.23% with the capacity of AKAP public transport buses, especially the Bintang Timur buses, which was 18 seats. Then the average bus speed is 42.84 km/hour, then the frequency value is 1 vehicle/day this happens because the average headway value for the Mamuju-Makassar terminal route is 11 hours. Then the average service time is from 20.00-06.00 WITA with the average travel time of the Bintang Timur AKAP bus in each segment is 43.44 km/hour, and for the results of the effectiveness of the health protocol rules at the terminal already comply with the rules, then the protocol rules If the bus does not comply with these rules, it can be categorized as a bus, it is enough to comply with the health protocol rules.
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