Case Study: Depok City

  • Irfan Ihsani Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Graduate Study Program, IPB University; Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Pancasila
  • Cecep Kusmana Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry and Environment, IPB University
  • Machfud Department of Agroindustrial Technology, Faculty of Agricultural Technology, IPB University
  • Andrea Emma Pravitasari Regional Development Planning Division, Department of Soil Science and Land Resource, Faculty of Agriculture, IPB University
Keywords: Sustainability, MICMAC, Urban Green Space


Kota Depok, located in the western part of West Java Province, has experienced rapid growth over the past few decades. This growth occurred alongside intense urbanization, industrial development, and population increase. Apart from the positive impact of economic growth and infrastructure development, this rapid development causes environmental damage and loss of green open land. This can impact air, water, and soil quality and threaten environmental sustainability. This paper systematically tries to inventory the factors involved in urban green spaces' sustainability with a structural approach using Cross-Impact Matric Multiplication Applied to Classification (MICMAC) software. Of the 12 factors analyzed, five have a strong level of influence and low dependence, and 3 have a strong influence but have high reliance. These factors are 1) LU policy, 2) law enforcement, 3) environmental education, 4) stakeholder integrity, and 5) community involvement and participation, while 1) biodiversity conservation, 2) land value, and 3 ) environmental maintenance and protection is a factor that has a strong influence but is also highly dependent. Stakeholders can use the results of identifying these key factors as considerations for making decisions.


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How to Cite
Ihsani, I., Kusmana, C., Machfud, & Pravitasari, A. E. (2024). STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS OF INFLUENCING FACTORS FOR SUSTAINABILITY OF URBAN GREEN SPACES. Jurnal Infrastruktur , 10(1), 61 - 67. Retrieved from