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Traffic accidents are stochastic and occur due to a combination of several factors. Due to disadvantages by accidents, it is necessary to have a study to improve road safety. This research take the case on the roads in Pekanbaru City. Secondary data in the form of accident report obtained from Ditlantas Polda RIAU. While the primary data obtained directly from the survey location and questionnaire location accident-prone. The purpose of this research is to find blackspot area based on the result of the highest accident rate ranking, perform safety analysis, conflict analysis at blackspot location, and recommend accident countermeasures for that locations. Rating analysis was conducted using accident data for 3 years using accident frequency criteria, EPDO. Blackspot area are; Jl. Hangtuah KM 1-2, Jl. Hr.Subrantas KM 3-4, Jl. Sukarno Hatta KM 1-2. Based on the safety problems, some safety remedial measures are proposed for these loaction. The safety remedial measures proposed for Jl. Hantuah KM 1-2 are Installation of speed limit sign, Road marking with continous line, and providing road lighting. The safety remedial measures proposed for Jl. HR. Subrantas are Installation of Warning Signs, Zebra Cross, Pavement Repair, Signs of parking ban on the shoulder of the road. The safety remedial measures proposed for Jl Sukarno Hatta KM 1-2 are Installation of Speed Limit Sign, and relocation of u-turn.
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