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The tourism sector is one of the industries that has suffered huge losses from the COVID-19. Pandemic has resulted in almost all businesses in the tourism sector being forced to close or suspend their businesses because there are no tourists traveling and consumer purchasing power has dropped dramatically. The impact can also be seen from the travel agency business where this agency is a service to provide tour packages and tourism-related consultations to tourists and the pandemic was able to force many bureau businesses to be forced out of business. Even so, there are several tourism businesses that continue to run their business, namely PT. Nusantara Tour and Travel DP Mall Semarang branch. The research method used was qualitative with data collection techniques through interviews with managers of Nusantara travel bureaus. From the 4 strategies undertaken, it can be concluded that the Indonesian travel agency has survived to this day by imposing 50% work, 50% unpaid leave during a pandemic, dismissing employees whose contracts have expired and who are considered lacking in terms of work performance, conducting related training developing the skills and knowledge of its employees as well as taking a personal approach to its customers
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