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The development of tourism in Indonesia is encouraging news. This condition can be seen from the many tourism potentials, such as culture, crafts, culinary, and community activities within the frame of a tourist village. Changes in tourist behavior from mass tourism to alternative tourism provide opportunities for developing tourist villages. However, many tourist villages are still experiencing problems and need to provide benefits to the community. Several issues, such as legality, attractiveness, and marketing, to disagreements with other parties. This study aims to investigate the management of outstanding tourist villages. Qualitative methods combined with innovative diffusion instruments were used in this study. Several remarkable tourist villages were selected to be the objects of this research, including the tourist villages: Tinalah, Importantsari, and Nlanggeran. They collected data in this study using semi-structured interviews. Research informants are several managers of tourist villages and tourists who are visiting. The stages of data analysis in this study used the Miles Huberman method, including data transcription, reduction, coding, categorization, and conclusion. The research findings proved that the managers of outstanding tourist villages constantly innovate. Several innovation diffusion instruments are used as a guide, including innovation, communication channels, time, and legitimacy. The importance of organizations to present innovation is one of the requirements for sustainable management and marketing.
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