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The pursuit of poverty alleviation in rural regions has spurred initiatives such as the PNPM (National Community Empowerment Program) Mandiri program, launched by the Indonesia Ministry of Culture and Tourism in 2010, aimed at developing Tourism Villages. Despite these effort, as of 2021, West Java which is the province in with the largest number of tourist villages in Indonesia, remains among the provinces with the highest poverty rates in Indonesia. Tourism is very vulnerable and poses significant risks as the main livelihood, especially for tourism villages communities, and maybe it can only be used as a livelihood strategy. This study employs a qualitative approach using the flow model analysis by Miles & Huberman to identify potential tourism attraction and activities based on their livelihood resources (natural, financial, physical, human, and social capital). Data collection for this study employed in-depth interviews, observations, and literature studies. Results suggest maximizing nature-based tourism, reviving local cultural practices, and leveraging the Lembang Fault zone as a geoyourism attraction in Suntenjaya. Furthermore, targeting educational institutions and community groups for activities such as edu-camps or teambuilding in the Perhutani area could stimulate tourism development.
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