• RD. Hera Merdeka Khazinatul Khaeriah Faculty of Tourism, Muhammadiyah University Tangerang,
  • Suci Sandi Wachyuni Politeknik Sahid
  • Kadek Wiweka Politeknik Sahid
  • Murhadi Politeknik Sahid
  • Nicko Gana Saputra Politeknik Sahid
Abstract views: 215 | pdf. downloads: 143
Keywords: Foodie, Millennial generation, Travel behavior, Culinary tourism, Gastronomy


Millennial travellers currently constitute the largest demographic segment of the Indonesian tourism business. Understanding the factors that influence tourists' decisions in choosing their locations is crucial for tourism stakeholders when establishing effective tourism marketing strategies. Identifying these characteristics enables stakeholders to concentrate on developing marketing strategies that cater to consumer needs, hence increasing the likelihood of domestic tourists selecting tourism locations. Culinary tourism is a fast increasing form of special interest tourism. The purpose of this study was to investigate the gastronomic preferences and habits of millennial visitors on culinary excursions. The research employed a quantitative methodology, utilising a sample of 115 participants who belonged to the millennial demographic. The data collection method was the distribution of an online questionnaire. The employed method of data analysis is quantitative descriptive statistics. The findings of this study indicate that the culinary preferences and choices of millennial visitors are influenced by various elements, with psychological, personal, social, and cultural factors being the most significant contributors. This research can serve as a valuable resource for the government and destination management in the development of culinary tourist destinations. In addition, this research can serve as a foundation for product creation and marketing strategies for culinary businesses in various destinations.


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How to Cite
RD. Hera Merdeka Khazinatul Khaeriah, Suci Sandi Wachyuni, Kadek Wiweka, Murhadi, & Nicko Gana Saputra. (2024). FOODIE BEHAVIOURS AND CHARACTERISTICS: A CASE STUDY OF INDONESIAN MILLENNIAL TOURISTS. Journal of Tourism Destination and Attraction , 12(1), 51-60.