Hubungan Job Search Self-Efficacy dengan Career Adaptability
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There are many changes in the workforce in this recent years. Graduate students who want to join the workforce should have high career adaptability and job search self-efficacy, to enable them to be success. The aim of this research was to found out the relationship between students job search self-efficacy (JSSE) with career adaptability (CA) in University (N=82) with quantitative approach. Researcher using career adaptability scale (Savickas, 2012) and job search self-efficacy (Wanberg,, 2010) and then analyzed it with correlation methods. A Focused Group Discussion was given to explore more findings. The reliability score from JSSE is 0.826 and CA is 0.931. The JSSE validity score was 0.435-0.817 and CA validity score was 0.33-0.83. The results showed that there was a correlation between career adaptability and job search self-efficacy (r=0.598; p<0.05).
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