Hubungan Work-Life Balance dan Parenting Stress pada Ibu yang Bekerja di Perusahaan
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Working mothers often face the challenge of balancing their work and family responsibilities, which could lead to parenting stress if they fail to achieve a healthy work-life balance. A recent study used convenience sampling to gather data from 404 participants to explore the relationship between work-life balance and parenting stress. The researchers used the Work-Life Balance Scale and the Parenting Stress Index-Short Form (PSI-SF) as tools to measure these two variables. The results revealed a positive correlation between work-life balance and parenting stress. The interference of work with personal life and vice versa was found to be associated with personal distress and childrearing stress. On the other hand, the work/personal life enhancement aspect of work-life balance was negatively correlated with both aspects of parenting stress. These findings highlight the importance of maintaining the mental health of working mothers by balancing their work and personal roles, as it enables them to cope with parenting stress, which ultimately affects the psychological well-being of their children and families.
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