Pengaruh Hukum Adat Dalam Proses Peralihan Hak Tanah Ulayat Pada Pembangunan Perluasan Bandara Di Jayapura

  • Rachmi Syarfina Program Studi Kenotariatan Program Magister Universitas Pancasila
Keywords: communal land, indigenous law, land acquisition


This research aims to explain the transfer process of rights of communal land of Ifar Besar Sentani Tribe for the construction purpose of Main Class I Sentani Airport, Jayapura, Papua, and also to explain the influence of customary law that arises when the communal land diverted for the benefit of the public. This research uses empirical juridical research method. Transfer of rights of communal land of Ifar Besar Sentani Tribe for public interest or purpose, in the case of the construction of runway extension Sentani Airport, is not resolved yet due to the factor or influence from the indigenous law of Ifar Besar Sentani Tribe.
