Permasalahan Terkait Kuantitas Regulasi Dalam Penyelesaian Sengketa Tata Usaha Negara

  • Diani Kesuma Universitas Pancasila
Abstract views: 140 | pdf (Bahasa Indonesia) downloads: 413
Keywords: Laws and regulations, Job Creation Law, State Administration Court


It is often encountered basic orderly of laws and regulations problematic, which are
uncontrollable types of regulations which could be classified as laws and regulations which are
sometimes contained materials the one who resist the higher laws and regulations. The
existence of Article 8 Paragraph (1) of Law Number 12 Year 2011Concerning Formation of
Law and Regulations often is interpreted all regulations such as People’s Advisory Council
regulation, The House of Representative regulations, Regional Representative Council
regulation, Supreme Court regulation, Constitutional Court regulation are categorized as laws
and regulation as long as ordered by the higher regulation or established by authority. In fact,
not all of those institutions could produce laws and regulations which binds externally. To
create basic orderly and formatting laws and regulations need re arrangement among others to
the types, hierarchy, and material content of laws and regulations. The existence of Job
Creation Law does not a way out to solve the problem related to quantity of regulations. Article
175 of Law Number 11 Year 2020 Concerning Job Creation Cluster Government
Administration does not codify all related regulations with litigation process in state
Administration Court, due to the litigation process still refer to the previous law. Expected the
provision of litigation process which are governed in various Law and Supreme Court Regulation could be arranged with unify to one law, to make easier for the justice seeker which
involved in State Administration dispute
provision of litigation process which are governed in various Law and Supreme Court
