Peran Organisasi Maritim Internasional (International Maritime Organization) Melalui Konvensi Di Bidang Kemaritiman Dalam Lalulintas Perdagangan Internasional Di Wilayah Perairan Indonesia

  • FX.Tetuko Zlatoper Sagala Unika Atma Jaya
Abstract views: 667 | PDF Full Text (Bahasa Indonesia) downloads: 5140
Keywords: trade, international, Indonesia, maritime


The sea is the widest part of the entire territory of Indonesia which has an important meaning
and role not only as a unifier but also as a means of inter-island trade traffic. The geographical
location of Indonesia, which is located between the continents of Asia and Australia and
between the Indian and Pacific Oceans, has an important meaning in the economy, especially
in international trade traffic and places Indonesia at the crossroads of world trade traffic. With
this position, Indonesia has become a crossing point for world economic activities, between
the trade of industrialized countries and countries in Asia, Africa and Europe. This situation is
not only profitable but also has the potential to cause various legal problems not only related
to jurisdiction but also other problems related to trading activities themselves. The International
Maritime Organization (IMO) is one of the international organizations that has an important
and strategic role in the shipping sector related to aspects of shipping safety and security.
Trade between countries by sea - including through Indonesian territorial waters - is an
important part regulated in international agreements. The agreement established by the
International Maritime Organization (IMO) greatly influences the provisions in the maritime
sector and international trade shipping traffic and is a provision that must be adhered to and
implemented by all member countries
