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INACRAFT (Jakarta International Handicraft Trade Fair) is an international handicraft exhibition held annually with different themes. As an exhibition that has been going on for 20 years, INACRAFT successfully involved more than 1,000 creative actors. This study aims to provide knowledge related to the work system of the creative & production division, the role of the creative & production division, and the evaluation of the work of the creative & production division during INACRAFT 2023. The research method used is qualitative. The technique used is to make direct observations at the INACRAFT 2023 event, interviews and literature studies. The results of the performance evaluation of the creative & production division showed several important findings, one of which was the lack of team members on the day of the exhibition which caused the team's performance to be less than optimal in serving customers and also complaints from participants. Evaluation needs to be done every week to identify the results of performance achievements and identify processes or obstacles that have been passed.
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